Waking up like this

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Short chapter

Sage Pov

It has been two hours, and I am still comforting Jaden so he could tell me what the hell happened, I was kinda angry not going to lie but that is a whole different story. Jaden sat down on my couch facing me, while I drank off all my red wine, "What happened" I asked not caring, he looked at me his eyes were bloodshot red, "I didn't mean for it to happen, I was in my studio trying to write a new song and Nessa walked in-" Jaden biting his bottom lip, I frowned seeing that he regretted what he did, "She asked what I was working on, I told her a new song, she sat on my lap and read my notes, I didn't have a problem because I didn't like her like that but out of nowhere she grinded against me, I tried to ignore it but she keeps doing it, I accidentally groaned and she-" he looked at me crying, I poured Jaden a drink which he downed quickly, "Um she faced me saying that she wanted me, I looked away but then she pulls my pants and we-she-I- *sob*" he broke down bawling my name, I acted on impulse hugging him, he wrapped his arms around my waist crying in my chest, I played with his hair as he cried, 

After sometime

Jaden was completely still, I didn't say anything I just looked at the position he was in, he was between my legs, laying on his belly, arms around my waist, head laying on my chest-breast. "Sage?" Jaden called my name, I hummed looking at his tattoo arm, "I don't love Nessa" he stated, I didn't know how to respond so I stayed silent, "I don't love Mads" he stated, he lifted his face looking at me, his chin between my breast, I looked into his eyes, "I love someone else" I nodded trying to figure out what to say, "Sage can I stay here with you" I looked at him before shrugging I could use some company in this mansion, Jaden smiled then fell asleep, I giggled and decided to sleep too seeing that I ain't moving. 

The Next Day

I woke up in the same position I was in last night, I smiled, Jaden was out like a light just sleeping on me, my robe loosely on my body making me flush with embarrassment as I only had on my lace underwear on besides the robe, I grabbed my phone and made my assistant cancel all my appointments and to close the firm for 2 days. I sighed scrolling through my social media, Jaden was stirring in his sleep but I ignored it not wanting to wake him up, I was replying to my fans and friends not paying attention to Jaden. 

Jaden Pov

I woke up to the beautiful sight of Sage on her phone, her bright smile, her beautiful face, I could get used to waking up like this, I looked away from her face seeing that I am sleeping on top of her but what surprises me is that her robe was open, she had on black laced bra, I was so tempted to do something but I stop myself, I looked up at Sage seeing that she is on her phone, "I wouldn't mind waking up like this more" I said with a smirk, she looked at me and her chest, she hid her face and I laughed. I got up off of her missing her warmth as I did, "I mean I am not complaining" I said teasing her more, she looked up at me and smirked, she pulled the rope making it show her underwear, I blushed hard, she laughed at me and strutted out the living room, this girl is the death of me...

Unknown Pov

"Sir your jet is ready for you now" my body guard told me, I nodded signaling him to bring my suitcases. We drove to my private airport and went straight to my jet. 

My mind went to the other morning of me looking at the pictures of the blonde girl, she was so beautiful, her green eyes glowed with excitement and love, the how her face glowed looking me, who was this girl and how do I know her? I wanted to find her again maybe she can bring light into my dark world, maybe she will save me from myself... maybe I am overthinking this and I should just drop it...

I am only here in la for just business, I hate this place enough as it is so lets not over stay my welcome. Hmm while I am here I should visit my friend Sage, and maybe she can help me keep my mind off the mystery blonde.....

Madison Pov

What the hell am I looking at?

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