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Steve brings his Quinjet into land besides Zemo's caterpillar truck on the remote icy mountain top. The jet's wings fold up beside the fuselage. On board Bucky pulls out rack of guns labeled 'Romanoff'. He takes a light machine gun.Bucky and Steve stand together, waiting for the exit ramp to descend.

Steve Rogers: You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?

Bucky Barnes: Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?

Steve Rogers: You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead.

Bucky Barnes: What was her name again?

Steve Rogers: Dolores. You called her Doll.

Bucky Barnes: She's gotta be a hundred years old right now.

Steve Rogers: So are we, pal. 

He clamps his hand on Bucky's shoulder. Now wearing his helmet Steve walks with Bucky up to the entrance set in rock. The door is still open.

Steve Rogers: He can't have been here more than a few hours.

Bucky Barnes: Long enough to wake them up.

Steve leads them into the cast bunker. They travel down into the depths inside a caged elevator. it stops in the bowls of the bunker, doors slide open. Steve nods to Bucky and heaves up the cage door. Bucky readies his heavy duty machine gun and they walk along a corridor, keeping close to a wall. Bucky looks into an alcove full of junk then he and Steve move on up some stairs. At the sound of a loud thud they spin around, aiming down the corridor.

Steve Rogers: You ready?

Bucky Barnes: Yeah.

Double doors part, forced open by Iron Man and the Civil Warrior. Steve stares in surprise. Tony walks towards Steve and Bucky and retracts the suit's helmet. y/n does not.

Tony Stark: You seem a little defensive.

Bucky keeps his gun up while Steve walks to meet Tony with his shield covering his body.

Steve Rogers: It's been a long day.

Tony Stark: At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you.

Steve Rogers: Then why are you here?

Tony Stark: Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.

Steve Rogers: Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork. 

He lowers his shield.

Steve Rogers: It's good to see you, Tony.

Tony Stark: You too, Cap. Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop...

Steve signs Bucky to lower his weapon and he does. Steve looks over to y/n and has no idea what to say. He has no idea what yn is thinking behind the cold metal helmet. The four of them cautiously walk along a corridor. T'Challa in his Black Panther Suit is hiding around a corner, watching them. With his helmet and face plate reengaged Iron Man leads Steve, y/n and Bucky towards the enormous chamber with the capsules standing in it.

Tony Stark: I got heat signatures.

Steve Rogers: How many?

Tony Stark: Uh, one.

As they enter the vast chamber the lights come on. Hazy, yellow mist descends within the capsules. As well as Josef, each one contains an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiment. Steve and the others look around, bewildered.

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora