The Commodore

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Korg sits with his cell mates. He's talking to Miek. 

Korg: Is that some sort of protoplasm, all the stuff that's coming out of you? Or are they eggs? Looks like eggs. 

 Suddenly his Obedience Disk powers down. No longer glowing. As Korg stands up, Valkyrie appears at the door to his cell.

Valkyrie: I'm looking for Korg. 

Korg: Who's asking? I know you're asking. Is anyone else asking, or is it just you? 

y/n walks in and tosses him a high-tech rifle.

y/n: The Lord of Thunder sends his best.

Korg: My revolution has begun...

Grandmaster speaks with Topaz who now wears battle armour. 

Grandmaster: Revolution? How did this happen?

Topaz: Don't know. But the Arena's mainframe for the Obedience Disks have been deactivated and the slaves have armed themselves.

Grandmaster: Oh! I don't like that word!

Topaz: Mainframe?

Grandmaster: No. Why would I not like "mainframe?" No, the "S" word.

Topaz: Sorry, the "prisoners with jobs" have armed themselves.

Grandmaster: Okay, that's a little better.

Valkrie, Banner and y/n hop in her ship.

y/n: Weird... third time on your ship and it's the only time I'm not being held captive.

Valkyrie grins.

Grandmaster: Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favourite champion. Sakaarians, take to the skies. Bring him down. Do not let him leave this planet.

Below, pilots hastily rush to their Palace Patrol ships so as to pursue the Commodore. The first two ships out of the garage swoop around behind Thor. The Patrol ships are locking weapons on Thor when BOOM! They are both blown out of the sky by The Warsong. Val is all focus, flying and firing. Banner sits in a large shotgun blaster pod and y/n is in the passenger seat.

Banner: Good shot!

y/n: Eyes on target!

Banner: Sorry!

Thor's ship and Val's ship now zip through the city in tandem. On the horizon we can see the Statesman, the enlarged Grandmaster, and his Riot Control team raining down hell on the revolting prisoners. Thor in the pilot's seat. Val comes in over the radio.

Valkyrie: Open the doors.

Thor looks over the console. He flips a switch. Valkyrie steers down, dropping altitude. Her whole ship spins upside down, yet her cockpit is still right-side up.

Valkyrie: I hope that you're tougher than you look!

Banner: Why?!    

Val maxes out the throttle. The ship accelerates. When she's under Thor's ship, Val presses the eject button. Banner is launched to of the ship. y/n unbuckles his seat belt and hops down the Warsong, landing in Banner's shotgun seat. He straps himself in. Thor is at the controls. We hear an incoming scream of increasing volume. "aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" THUNK! Banner is shot up into the ship with a rough landing. Banner casually lifts his arm up and gives a thumbs up. The ship is being fired upon by another pursuit vehicle. Banner joins Thor. 

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Where stories live. Discover now