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Every Elder, the Border Tribe military leaders, including W'Kabi, the Kingsguard leaders, Okoye, and the Dora prepare for a council meeting. Killmonger strolls in, wearing the new gold panther necklace. 

Killmonger: You know, where I'm from, when black folks started revolutions, they never had the firepower or resources to fight their oppressors. Where was Wakanda? Hmm? Yea all that ends today. We got spies embedded in every nation on Earth. Already in place.

Killmonger stands and walks looking each of them in the eye. 

Killmonger: I Know how colonizers think. So we're gonna use their own strategy against them. We're gonna send vibranium weapons out to our War Dogs . They'll arm oppressed people all over the world, so they can finally rise up and kill those in power, and their children and anyone else who takes their side. It's time they know the truth about us. We're warriors. The world's gonna start over and this time we're on top. 

Killmonger sits. 

Killmonger: The sun will never set on the Wakandan Empire. 

Okoye looks to W'Kabi. 

Okoye: Wakanda has survived for so long by fighting when only absolutely necessary.

W'Kabi: Wakanda has survived in the past this way, yes. But the world is changing, General. Elders, it is getting smaller. The outside world is catching up and soon it will be the conquerors, or the conquered. I'd rather be the former.

Killmonger: You heard your orders. Let's get to it. 

W'Kabi salutes while Okoye looks on. Nakia leads Shuri, y/n, Ramonda and Ross through the bitter wind and harsh conditions. 

Ross: So where are we going again? 

Nakia: We're taking the Heart Shaped Herb to Jabariland. 

Ross: Heart Shaped Herb, what is that? 

Shuri: It gives whoever takes it heightened abilities.

Nakia: It's what made T'Challa so strong. 

Ramonda stops in her tracks.

Ramonda: Nakia. I don't like this. The Herb belongs to us. We may be creating a bigger monster with M'Baku. Nakia, you should take it yourself. 

Nakia: I'm a spy with no army. I wouldn't stand a chance. 

Ramonda: We'll go. They keep walking. Suddenly , they are surrounded by members of the Jabari army. 

Nakia: Stay calm.

M'Baku stares down from his throne at Nakia, Ramonda and Shuri . He glowers at Ross and y/n for a long beat, unnerving everyone, before finally turning to Ramonda. 

Ramonda: My son was murdered in ritual combat. 

M'Baku: Were odds fair? 

Nakia: Yes, but-

M'Baku: -So, it was less a murder than a defeat? 

This irks Shuri. 

Shuri: Do not rub our noses in it- 

M'Baku: -Silence! I make the pronouncements here, girl.

Ross: Look uh, your highness, the new King is a-

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Where stories live. Discover now