The lie

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The charges blow. Carving a hole in the wall. Startled, they all break for the interrogation room but the masked man suddenly spins inside , laying down cover fire,riddling the doorway with bullets and shattering the two way glass. Besieged with automatic gunfire, everybody ducks down. On instinct , Ross shoves Nakia to the floor, taking a round to the back, saving her y/n looks at Ross in shock and panic before being nicked in the neck by a bullet. T'Challa's suit forms and he shields a CIA Agent. Okoye dives clear of the doorway and the other agents scramble out into the travel agency for cover. The masked man's allies grab Klaue, carrying his entire chair with him still strapped to it as- edging back toward the breach, the masked man throws a live grenade through the shattered two-way window into the black site office. Panther instantly dives on the grenade and it explodes, doing no damage to him or the room, but lights up his entire suit . Panther bounds back to his feet to give chase as Klaue cackles maniacally being loaded into the paint truck by the mercs. 

Klaue: I see you took your time didn't you! 

The masked man continues to fire as they hop in and begin to pull off. Walking backward after the truck, he swings the RPG up to his shoulder as Panther emerges . The truck turns out of the alley as Killmonger aims. Panther charges at Killmonger and he fires! Taking therocket head on, Panther is engulfed in the massive impact and blown backward. Panther's suit is lit to the max with kinetic energy as he labors back to his feet , he spots the ring dangling around his neck on his gold chain . (It's identical to the ring T'Challa inherited from T'Chaka) . 

Okoye: My King! 

Panther turns to find Okoye . 

Okoye: My King... Nakia.

Panther and Okoye enter discovering agents and Nakia hovering around Ross and y/n on the floor. The receptionists apply pressure to their gunshot wounds as a nurse checks Ross' pulse. Shaken, Nakia looks to Panther. 

Nakia: He just jumped in front of me. 

Gravely wounded, Ross is barely conscious. y/n is breathing shakily as he gasps.

Nakia: I don't think they'll make it here, it hit his spine and his neck. 

T'Challa: Give me some Kimoyo beads. 

T'Challa looks at Nakia and motions towards her Kimoyo beads. She pulls two off and hands them to him. T'Challa inserts one into Ross' wound and the other to y/n's. 

T'Challa: This will stabilize them for now. Give them to us . We can save them. 

The agents stare at Panther and his glowing high-tech suit . 


Okoye is at the helm with Nakia standing next to her . Neither can believe Ross and y/n are on board. Further back in the aircraft, we find Ross' and y/n's unconscious bodies. T'Challa looms nearby, lost in thought. 

Okoye: Our missions was to bring back Klaue . We failed. These men are foreign intelligence operatives. How do we justify bringing them into our borders? 

Nakia: He took a bullet for me. 

Okoye: That was his choice. 

T'Challa stiffens. Okoye has gone a little too far. Torn, Nakia stares off, thinking about the Nigerian women they didn't bring back to Wakanda and her culpability in Ross' injury. 

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Where stories live. Discover now