A soul for a soul

423 8 10

MORAG - 2014

Rhodey stands on the Benetar runway as it lands.

Rhodes: Alright. Bring it down low. Right on that line. That's it. Down, down.

Clint Barton: Hey, can we hurry it up?

Natasha Romanoff: Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on a clock.

y/n: Yeah and this is kinda boring.

Nebula walks out of the ship, apparently having directed it to its next destination.

Rhodes: All that, is really helpful. 

He hugs Natasha.

Rhodes: Take care, okay?

Natasha Romanoff: Yeah.

Rhodes: Take that stone and come back. No messing around.

y/n: Why not? Thanos won't get there for another four years.

y/n is wearing the Wakandan Patiot armour under the time travel suit- which regresses into the watch they had all been issued.

Nebula: Don't take any chances y/n.

Instead of latching onto his face, Nebula takes him in a gentle hug, this is confusing to all since they were under the impression that she was still unaware of social cues. She whispers softly into his ear;

Nebula: Don't be a hero.

She lets go and kisses his cheek. Barton turns to Rhodey.

Clint Barton: Hey. You got this.

Rhodes: Let's get it done. Yes, sir.

y/n, Natasha and Clint begin to walk back to the Benetar's cockpit.

Natasha Romanoff: See you back.

Rhodes: You guys watch each other's six.

Clint and Nat look back and just smile. y/n salutes and dons his helmet.

Clint Barton: Yeah.

They walk back into the ship, and the hatch closes. The ship takes off and speeds out of the atmosphere of Morag.

Nebula: The coordinates for Vormir are laid in. All they have to do is not fall out.

In the Benatar, y/n, Clint and Nat are sitting at the front of the ship. The ship takes a jump through space and speeds up tremendously. Nat and Clint look at each other.

Clint Barton: It's a long way from Budapest.

Natasha just laughs. Eventually; y/n, Natasha and Clint arrive a Vormir.

Clint Barton: Wow- Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome.

y/n, Natasha and Clint start walking towards the mountain and climb it.

Natasha Romanoff: I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain.

y/n: Hey! He's not a raccoon. Don't be so insensitive.

Natasha Romanoff: Whatever. He eats garbage

Red Skull: Welcome.

Natasha and Clint draws their weapons. y/n pops his claws.

Red Skull: Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith. y/n, son of Steven.

Natasha Romanoff: Who are you?

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Where stories live. Discover now