No big missions

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y/n: You gotta be shittin' me.

Rhodey: I'm serious!

y/n: I don't believe you!

Rhodey: It's true!

y/n: He said that?

Rhodey: Yep! He just turns up and goes '"Are you Tony Stank?"

James and y/n howl with laughter. y/n sets down his bottle of whiskey.

Rhodey: So how are things with you and Aleya?

y/n: We umm... well she was so happy to see me safe after the whole Wakanda thing that umm... well she's in the hospital today.

Rhodey: The hospital? What for?

y/n looks up from the floor, meeting Rhodey's eyes.

Rhodey: No...

y/n: Yep.

Rhodey stands up.

Rhodey: Congratulations!

y/n: Thanks man.

Rhodey: So is it a boy or a girl?

y/n: We don't know yet. It's only been a month.

Rhodey: That's awesome man.

y/n: Yeah, but she's made me promise no big missions.

Rhodey: The kid's gotta have a dad.

y/n: Yeah it does.


After an hour y/n leaves Rhodey's home, ready for another normal day. On his walk home, a leaf hits him in the face, when removed it turns into a business card reading 177A Bleecker Street.

y/n: What?

y/n arrives there and knocks on the door, after a few knocks he finds himself inside the building.

y/n: I had too much whiskey...

???: y/n Romanoff...

A man in blue robes glides over to y/n.

???: The Civil Warrior.

y/n: And you are?

???: Doctor Strange.

y/n: Uh huh. So are you a good guy or a bad guy?

Strange: Good guy.

y/n: Glad we cleared that up. What can I do for you?

Strange: A threat has arrived on this planet that I may need your help with.

y/n: Oh. Sorry Doctor, usually I'd be down for that but my girlfriend's pregnant and she said no big bad super villain missions.

Strange: I'm the sorcerer supreme, we'll have no trouble. And besides I've seen all the possible outcomes of this conversation and you agree to help me in every single one.

y/n: Oh.

Strange: Just a second. 

Strange creates a portal with a ring on his finger which leads to y/n's apartment.

Strange: You'll want your suitcase.

y/n grabs it and suits up into the regular Civil Warrior armour.

Strange: All set. We just need one more thing.

y/n: Which is..?

A third man appears in the Sanctorum, confused.

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Where stories live. Discover now