There is Gamora!

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Thor makes a battle cry, as does Black Panther and the heroes charge, the Avengers theme swelling with their stride. Thanos raises his sword towards them, commanding his army to charge as well. Then both sides collide. The camera switches between the meet-line, Drax and Korg, Pepper and Tony, all which are battling against Thanos' army. Cut to Steve and Thor fighting. Steve takes Stormbreaker but Thor flies to him and passes Mjolnir.

Thor: No, no, give me that. You have the little one. 

Later, Tony Stark and y/n are seen fighting some of Thanos' army. But Cull Obsidian punches y/n to the ground, then Giant-Man stomps him flat and Peter Parker runs to Tony.

Peter Parker: Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, Because I woke up, and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, "It's been five years. Come on, they need us." And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time-

Tony Stark: -He did? Oh, God.

Peter Parker: What are you doing?

Tony hugs Peter, making him shocked, but he hugs Tony back.

Peter Parker: Oh, this is nice.

Neither of them notice y/n fly off to help Star-Lord fight a bunch of Sakaarans, killing all of them except one, which makes Peter fall over, but a off-screen shot kills him and he drops on Peter. y/n helps Peter get up and they see Gamora. Thinking its present Gamora, they is shocked.

y/n: Gamora? 

Peter slowly approaches Gamora 

Peter Quill: I thought I lost you.

Peter touches Gamora's hair, not knowing she isn't present Gamora. In response, Gamora grabs Peter's hand firmly off her hair.

Peter Quill: Ow.

Gamora kicks Peter in the nuts multiple times, winding him.

Gamora: Don't. Touch. Me!

Peter falls from the pain, while Gamora wipes her face and y/n awkwardly shuffles forward.

y/n: Uhh, hi.

y/n retracts his helmet to give Gamora a friendly smile and a wave.

Peter Quill: You missed the first time. Then you got them both the second time.

Nebula appears next to them.

Gamora: This is the one? Seriously?

Nebula: The choices were him, or a tree.

Peter points to Gamora in confusion, then to Nebula in question, and then back to Gamora.

y/n: Hi Nebby!

y/n wanders over and gives the blue woman a quick kiss.

Nebula: Not this one though, he's mine.

Nebula and Quill leave, Gamora turns to y/n with a gleeful expression.

Gamora: I didn't know she had feelings!

Later, Clint is seen running with the gauntlet.

Clint Barton: Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?

Steve Rogers: Get those stones as far away as possible!

Bruce Banner: No! We need to get them back where they came from.

Tony Stark: No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.

Scott Lang: Hold on! 

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant