The Auburn Beauty

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Chaos unfolds around me, commands shouted around me, pack members running about as they pick up items of importance and pack them, children cry and family members hug those who they can. I seem to stand in the eye of the hurricane, as if in some background of the scene around me, the room seeming to swallow me whole as not a single person brushes past me. Loved ones hug one another yet I stand still in time, my body frozen as I watch the faces of those around me seem to crumble. Orders sound in the distance, muffled in my ears as I simply focus on the thudding of my heart in my chest. 

Another order sounds through the chaos around me, a few of the eyes starting to glance my way as I slowly become one with the chaos which has consumed the world around me. Peering over my shoulder, I spot Cedric in the doorway of the pack house, looking at me confused. Motioning for me to follow him, I move from my position, passing through those who once moved with such desperation. The more steps I take, the more my heart sinks into my soul, my nerves piling high as I try and calm myself down. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"I was trying to help." 

"Alphas do not usually help with the departing of warriors from their families," Cedric explains, leading me out of the pack house belonging to Alpha Finch. "Much less one of another alpha. Are you okay?" 

My eyes stare ahead, glancing to the men who stand before the pack house, cloaked in colors of the forest as they hold modern bows and arrows. Just days ago they were taught witchcraft and able to produce a form of it to shield themselves from the silver bullets which await them today. Only five days ago had I met with the council on the subject of Alpha Penelope and what was to be done with her if she dared move her army one mile into any direction of our territories. Now here we are, our men ready to attack and end this. I hope it ends today with minimal causality. 

But I know Penelope. I have seen the twisted and deranged face of such an alpha when she is in battle. I know Penelope will call for bloodshed, not caring if almost all of her men die. Penelope will fight until the very end. 

Taking in a deep breath, I turn to my Beta, nodding my head. "I am fine, just nervous." 

"You are not expected to fight-"

"I know. I have been told such a thing too many times." I look out to the men, their bows in hand, terror in their eyes. These men know what they are facing today. They understand if their shields give out and a bullet lands in their body, they will suffer a poisoning to their body beyond any pain of a wolf landing its canines into their body. "When do we leave?" 

"We just wait Alpha Yusuf and Finch." 

With almost perfect timing, I watch the two alphas step out from the pack house beside one another, dressed ready for battle, and eyes looking up to the night sky. Taking in a shaky breath, I walk with Cedric past the row of warriors ready for the battle, a ten mile stretch of land between us and where we plan to make the first attack. I know River, Finley, Emmit, and Mathis are preparing the same way twenty miles west, with the second troop to begin the firing as our troops will begin with movement. 

Cedric and I walk to the front of the troops, Brie placed at the very front as she awaits us. Placing myself beside Brie, I watch as Finch and Yusuf come to the front as well with their own third and second in command. Clasping my hands behind my back, I steady myself, rocking back and forth on my toes as I scan the crowd of nearly-ninety men before me. As all the leaders for this battle are standing up front with me, I clear my throat. 

"I know you are scared," I call out, raising my voice to meet the ears of the men standing before me. "I know you are scared of the men we go to fight today, the pain of war, the fear of losing your friends or your life. It takes a brave individual to stand where you are today, to make it this far. I stand before you today to applaud that bravery and I will stand before you at the end of this battle to not just applaud your bravery, but your strength, courage, diligence, and conviction of purpose. We go to meet death on this battlefield today and on this battlefield, you will conquer the enemy or die - there is no simpler way to put the truth. I will fight beside today, to conquer the enemy or die amongst you all as well. We know for what we are fighting for and we know it is worth a damn to lay down our lives for." 

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