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Edrin's point of view:

My father returned to Verthona after he was stripped of his position as the head of dumal by empress Xhi-Lan but he was still so bitter. He called for a meeting with his friends, those who still favoured him in dumal.

I was furious because of what he did with Lila against my mother but he denied everything and claimed that Lila lied against him. I didn't believe it one bit, but I did not argue. My revenge against my father will not be as quick as Lila's. I want him to suffer gradually until he dies a slow, painful death.

The meeting took place at Theodore's house in Talehan. There were ten men in attendance including myself and my father. The other eight were composed of Kings, chiefs and noblemen of other nations. Nations that despised the rule of the Aakhian empire, especially, empress Xhi-Lan.

"We have gathered here to oppose the unjust dethronement of our leader, King Grayson". Said King Dae, the King of Vesch. "Xhi-Lan has bitten more than she can chew."

"But what can we do? She is twice as powerful as her late husband, we stand no chance", Said Lord Jase of Verham. "As we speak, dumal has a new leader. They call him Osiris, the god of death. No one has seen his face".

My father listened quietly as they each spoke their minds.

"That is not all, Xhi-lan has set up her daughter, Jo-Kwan to marry this mysterious man". Another nobleman said.

"If that old hag thinks she can use me and leave me with nothing in the end, she thought wrong". My father finally spoke. "She has broken a promise she made me, so I shall break mine."

He placed an old, worn-out scroll on the table. "This is the secret that should have been kept as such till the end of time. A scandal within the very four walls of the Aakhian palace".

King Dae who sat next to my father picked up the scroll and read the contents, then passed it around the table until it reached my turn.

It was a letter from the Empress herself to my father. It contained the promise she made him after he helped her kill her husband's ten wives and twenty-five children. "The fire that consumed my rivals and their offsprings".

It also made mention of a child; "The King's bastard daughter is yet to be found, bring her to me so that I will slit her throat and bury her next to her worthless mother's shallow grave".

The last part of the letter was a promise; "I shall give you my daughter's hand in marriage, whomever you chose, and I shall maintain a friendship that will last until the very end of time'. Followed by her seal.

The words on the letter were disturbing to read. It showed how sinister and cruel the empress truly is, but it also showed that my father is much worse for doing her bidding. He is heartless and rotten to the core. I wonder what my mother saw in him.

"Help me get my revenge on that woman, we all deserve better". My father concluded.

King Tujsa of Bahnan cleared his throat; "This is a serious matter, what about regent Lischan, he seems to support her".

"She is his cousin, he would go to the ends of the earth for her sake", Replied lord Jase.

"And the bastard? Did you ever find her, father?". I asked out of curiosity.

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