the sixty-first

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i'm gonna be honest, this chapter is very confusing

June 20th
Washington DC, ML

"I hate all of you. Literally every single one of you." I mumble and lean my arm against the fogged up window of the van.

"It's the most important job." Zayn says from behind me.

"The most boring one." I mumble and roll my eyes, "You guys give the girl with the shortest attention span, the most boring job? I could've taken crowd control." I sit up completely and look at all of them.

"That's a no-go, Cherry." Niall shakes his head, "Mostly because no one is intimidated by a person that is shorter than the average 13-year-old."

"Fuck you." I smile and he continues.

"But also, because I'm the best at that. You have to actually take it seriously. Which you cant do."

"Fair point." I nod.

"That's true, which is why you have the job of listening to the dispatch and getaway."

"Lamest job." I roll my eyes.

"Think of it like this, Stevie." Louis scoots himself to be in line with Harry and I, "The lamest but the most important job." I inhale deeply and look at all of them.

"Yeah, whatever. Just get ready." I roll my eyes as the van slows down.

Here's the deal, we're robbing a bank. I don't really know why but it's what were doing. I'm the getaway driver. And, obviously, I'm a bit upset with that.

Niall and Zayn are on crowd control. Harry and Louis are the ones getting the money. And Liam is in charge of security cameras and shit.

It's pouring rain. Dumping. God is taking a piss on the world.

It adds to the ambiance though, so I'm not complaining.

My life is exactly like a movie and that amazes me. I'm the main character in my life. Which makes me the main character in my life's movie. It's interesting to think about.

Back to the bank heist.

We're robbing the Capital Trust bank in downtown DC. Its huge, and I cant go in. Because I have to stay in the van. And listen to whatever, blah blah. I wasn't really listening when they explained it.

I'll figure my job out as I go. That's what I do most of the time anyway.

No Perspective

The tires of the van roughly cut through the river of water flowing on the streets of DC. They hadn't seen a rain storm like this in years. Lucky that it was on the same day of potentially the biggest bank heist of the decade. Lucky for the robbers, that is.

The van started to slow as they reached their destination. Thea gives them all blank stares as they prepare to go in. Pulling the bandanas over their faces and putting the hoods of their jackets up.

The idea is that they all come in dressed the same so no one can tell them apart using distinct features. Tattoos have been covered. Hair is under the hood. Contacts covering the noticeable color of their eyes. Everything is disguised.

Thea on the other hand looks exactly the same. Hair in braids as always, the black bandana she was given to disguise her face in case of emergency tied tightly around her head. Dark green coveralls that match the color of the guys jackets. She looks a bit like a mechanic.

Harry turns his head to her and she slowly looks at him. They exchange a soft and chaste kiss. He nods his head silently and gets up, sitting in the back of the van with the rest of the boys. She sighs heavily and stands up for a moment to plop herself in the drivers seat.

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