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Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect boyfriend, perfect friend circle; that was what Yanni was known for. She was probably the most popular girl in 10th grade, and everyone loved her. She wasn’t the typical snobby popular girl stereotype they showed in movies, she was actually pretty nice, but she did care a lot about her status in the school and her appearance.

Currently, Yanni was looking in the mirror and checking her makeup. She was trying to make sure it was just perfect.

‘Yanni! For crying out loud, if you don’t come out of your room right now I’m gonna leave you and you’ll have to walk to school okay!?’ her mother shouted outside of her door.

‘I’m coming mom!’ She gave her eye lashes a long stroke from her mascara brush.

‘You always say that! Must we always have this discussion every morning!?’ he mother screamed. ‘Don’t make me come in there!’

‘And done!’ Yanni said to herself as she returned the brush into its tube. She looked herself in the mirror, feeling quite proud. ‘You look fabulous Yanni Wang.’ She said to herself then rushed out of the door.

‘Finally young lady,’ her mother said once Yanni had walked downstairs. ‘Let’s go.’

‘Yes mom,’ She followed her mother outside the house.

When Yanni arrived at school a few minutes later, almost every student in the school was staring at her. They wondered how anyone could be that perfect and flawless. It was almost unbelievable.

And the boy who bullied her while she was a child was now one of the most popular students as well. Not only that, but he was also her boyfriend: Zhu Zhixin. The two of them were the power couple, and everyone wished to be just like them.

‘Zhixin,’ Yanni warned her boyfriend as she approached him. ‘Stop.’

Zhixin was pinning a boy to the locker. He had his hands on the helpless student’s wrists. After he heard Yanni’s voice, he simply turned to her and didn’t say anything.

‘Zhixin I mean it,’ She repeated.

He reluctantly let go of the boy. ‘Happy now?’

‘Yes.’ Yanni rolled her eyes then walked over to the boy. ‘I’m so sorry about that, my boyfriend can be a jerk sometimes.’

‘It’s fine.’ the boy answered and fixed his jacket, then watched as Zhixin and Yanni walked away hand in hand.

The boy was in fact Zuo Hang. A long time ago, Zuo was the popular one while Yanni was the misfit. When Zuo had left town and eventually left the school, he had left with the reputation of a popular kid. Upon his return to the community in high school, he wasn’t as cool anymore.

Things had changed. His former friends had become more popular and cooler, while Zuo became a computer geek. While he was away, his father was motivating him to take interest in computers because he was going to inherit his father’s software company when he grew up. He didn’t want him to merely inherit the company, but have knowledge with what he was working with.

So even when their family returned to their former town, Zuo kept much of his focus on computers and hardly had time to socialize. He started to be defined as the geek of the school, dropping him lower from the school ranks.

Yanni and Zuo weren’t friends anymore. In fact, it seemed like they existed in two different universes. She never talked to him, and he never talked to her. But he still cared about her like he did years ago, even though he knew she didn’t. 

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