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Yanni sat with her friends as usual on the next day at lunch. Zhixin and Xinhao were conversing as they ate, but Yanni wasn't particularly talking.

'What's up Yanni? You're not even going to comment on the celebrity scandal?' Xinhao elbowed her.

'Oh it's nothing, just that...that chatbot has really good advice.' Yanni said then grabbed the sandwich from her tray.

Zhixin rolled his eyes. 'What's with you and that chatbot?'

A giggle erupted from Xinhao's mouth, before he covered it. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'

'What's so funny?' Zhixin glared at Xinhao who was sitting next to Yanni while she was in the middle of the boys.

'Uh the fact that you're jealous of a chatbot?' Xinhao finally removed his hand from his mouth. 'It's just a computer Zhixin.'

'I wish you never saw that ad. Hey, wasn't the only reason for your conversing with that chatbot to show me that a "male" would understand you and you're not crazy?' Zhixin remembered. 'Well...I bet it understands stop talking to it.'

'Actually, I enjoy talking to him now,' Yanni replied, 'he's full of so much insight and he's really helpful you know. Let's face it, we wouldn't have passed our presentation if it wasn't for his help.'

'His?' Xinhao started to laugh again. 'It's an "it", it's a chatbot. It doesn't have a gender.'

'Well it sounds like a human okay?' Yanni protested, turning to Xinhao. 'I even named him "Prince Charming".'

'Anyway,' Zhixin cut her with his eye roll, 'what good advice did this Chatbot give you? And I'm your only Prince Charming.'

Yanni chuckled and stroked the back of his head. 'Of course you are. Anyway, the chatbot kind of made me think of over this whole being popular thing. it really worth it?'

'So you wanna be a weirdo again?' Zhixin retched. 'Geez, you look so much prettier now.'

'What do you mean a weirdo?' Yanni folded her arms.

'You know you were weird before you got popular. And frankly, I didn't like that version of you.' Zhixin looked into his tray.

Xinhao cleared his throat, trying to indicate to Zhixin that what he was saying was inappropriate and would probably offend Yanni.

'Well I'm still the same girl,' Yanni got up from the seat.

'Where are you going now?' Zhixin complained.

'Anywhere where you aren't.' Yanni responded as she walked out of the cafeteria.

'Dude, I was trying to give you a hint that you should stop talking! What's wrong with you!?' Xinhao cried and watched as Yanni disappeared out of the room.

'That was bad? I'll talk to her.' Zhixin rose up from his seat. He turned around just in time to catch sight of Zuo who was watching the entire scene fold out from his table. 'I always have a feeling Zuo listens in to our conversations.' he narrowed his eyes and turned to Xinhao.


'Yeah, I'll teach him a lesson later.' Zhixin replied as he followed Yanni out of the cafeteria.


Zuo looked at the clock at the end of the hall, it was now 15:45. He wanted to get home immediately as classes had just finished, but Zhixin was keeping him from doing so.

He slammed Zuo unto the locker one more time, producing a loud thud in the process.

Zuo knew Zhixin enjoyed bullying him, but on this particular day it just seemed more personal than usual.

'Perhaps that will teach you to mind your own business.' Zhixin warned him, now grabbing his jersey and raising his fist in the air, ready to punch him.

'What did I do?' Zuo asked confused.

'Leave him alone Zhixin,' Vicky shouted as she watched the scene in the halls. She was thinking of getting one of the teachers, but nothing ever helped. Zhixin had been on his bullying streak for ages, and no teacher ever did a thing. Probably because he was the child of one of the most prestigious families in the country.

Zhixin smirked then turned back to Zuo, making him shut his eyes as he anticipated the punch.

'Oh, hey, if you tell me the name of a pretty girl and you get her to kiss you, I'll let you go.'

Zuo gave Zhixin a confused look, he was surely enjoying the abuse.

'I'm waiting, give me a name of a pretty girl and let's see if she'll kiss you.' he continued.

Zuo didn't know who to mention. Of course he could mention his best friend Vicky who would probably be willing to kiss him to save him, even though he felt she would throw up after that. But he decided to get this over and done with and just speak honestly.

'Yanni.' Zuo replied.

Vicky gasped, and Zhixin flinched.

'Did you just mention Yanni my girlfriend as the prettiest girl?' he chuckled in disbelief with an obvious tone of anger. He felt like Zuo was taunting him.

Zuo didn't reply, slightly regretting his response.

'Yanni would never ever kiss you, so I guess I'm gonna have to beat you to a pulp.' Zhixin raised his arm again for a punch, and Vicky was already feeling sorry for Zuo.

'Stop! Zhixin, what the hell are you doing?' Yanni asked as she walked over to the scene just in time.

'About to punch this guy. You won't believe what he just said.' Zhixin turned to her, still keeping his hand in the air.

'No you can't punch anyone and stop bullying people.' She walked over to the two of them and grabbed Zhixin's arm which had formed the fist. 'This person you're bullying is the only person that saved this "weirdo" from bullying years ago.'

Zhixin groaned. 'We're not taking it that far.'

'Then don't punch him.'

Zhixin hesitated then dropped his arm.

'I'm sorry Zuo.' Yanni said to him. Hearing her mention his name somehow made him feel quite nervous, and shy in fact.

'It's okay.' he answered shakily and moved away from the couple.

'Are you okay you idiot!?' Vicky asked him, putting her hands on his shoulder. 'How could you answer like that!?'

'I was just being honest.' Zuo answered.

Vicky could have sworn she saw a blush appear on his cheeks, but she chose to ignore it for now. 

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