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Yanni: hey Prince Charming.

Prince Charming: hey Yanni.

Yanni: I'm not really feeling alright right now, is it fine if I talk to you about it?

Prince Charming: you can talk to me about anything.

Yanni hesitated, but decided to type it anyway.

Yanni: Well I always have to pretend to be happy when I'm at school or anywhere else because my life has got to be perfect, simply for my own reputation and well...more for my mother's reputation. I guess I already told you about her.

Prince Charming: yeah and she's the one who won't let you go to school without makeup.

Yanni: yeah her. Well recently, things haven't been going so well at home. But at school I always have to pretend I'm fine. But I really just needed someone to share this with and I'll share it with you.

Zuo could have sworn that he noticed that she was usually sad, but of course he couldn't have done anything about it. After all, they were in different orbits.

Prince Charming: go ahead.

Yanni: well, last year I noticed that things around the house had started to change. They hardly bought new stuff like they used to, my mom started repeating clothes a little bit more and my dad started to drink out late.

Yanni: then soon I was told that my parents were separating, and I kind of expected that when I heard it because they just weren't as close anymore and they hardly talked friendlily to each other.

Zuo could feel his heart about to break from the statements, he didn't want Yanni to go through that. He knew she was going through something but this was more than he expected.

Yanni: and then my mom told me that they were bankrupt, and I guess that kind of explained everything else. I don't know what exactly happened but my mom claims my dad was gambling (which I believe) but my dad said my mom was spending on really expensive stuff (which I also believe as well), so I guess they both contributed to that.

Yanni: so now they're selling the house and I have to move to the country side with my dad, my life feels so messed up.

Zuo almost interjected at the fact that she was moving. While she was going through a painful season, he also thought about how much he would miss her if she moved. Sure, they weren't exactly close in school, but he was going to miss seeing her. He just didn't want her away. Still, he had to sound as robotic as he could.

Prince Charming: I'm sorry to hear that. You must be really strong if you managed to hide it while you were at school. I think you should allow yourself to feel it, take it all in, grieve if you have to, then let it go.

Prince Charming: are you crying right now?

Yanni: how'd you know?

She had just finished wiping a fresh tear as another one came out.

Prince Charming: because no one can really describe all that and not least I know I wouldn't be able to hold the tears in.

Yanni: I guess so.

Prince Charming: yeah just feel it, and whenever you feel sad you can talk to me about it. I'll be here for you.

Yanni: thanks Prince Charming.

Even though nothing had changed, Yanni still felt a bit better. It was the fact that she had someone there for her. Even if she moved to the Country side, she would always have Prince Charming to talk to. He wasn't a human, but he was sure better than any human she had ever known. 

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