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'Wow,' the teacher clapped after they finished their presentation. 'That was amazing, I'm impressed.'

Zuo sighed in relief as if he was the one presenting.

'Did you write all that yourself?' she asked, still overwhelmed with the intelligent presentation.

'Of course we did,' Zhixin was the first to answer.

'Marvelous, A+.' She announced. 'Actually, it sounds like something that was written by Zuo Hang. That's how good it is.' of course that was because Zuo was the smartest kid in the class. He gave a slight smile as most students turned in his direction at the mention of his name.

After the teacher had finished speaking to the group, they returned to their respective seats. Zuo watched as Yanni made her way to her desk, her beauty blew him away every time as if it was the first time.

Vicky frowned. 'Zuo.'

'Yeah?' he answered immediately and turned to her.

'You don't have a crush on Yanni do you?'

Zuo laughed. 'Come on, you know me better than that.' He looked down at his book.

Vicky felt quite relieved at his answer, but she wasn't sure if he was saying the truth. She was hoping he was, because the thought of him crushing on another girl when she was right there hurt her.

Yanni: wow Prince Charming! Thanks a lot, we really did great on our presentation. I don't even know how to thank you.

Prince Charming: you're welcome.

Yanni: for a moment I forget you're a chatbot.

Prince Charming: It's fine. How was school?

Yanni: well it was okay, typical day for me. People either hate me or adore me I guess.

Prince Charming: and do you like that?

Zuo still didn't understand how Yanni had gotten popular. He left her as a bullied kid, but this Yanni didn't seem like that all. Even though he could tell it was still her, he wasn't sure if he liked this new version of her. He liked the person, but he didn't like the label.

Yanni: I guess. Isn't it every girl's dream to be adored and have a good amount of haters? : )

Prince Charming: but do you personally enjoy being the popular girl?

Yanni: oh...personally it's not always fun. I feel like I'm always under these expectations and the pressure to be perfect. I can't really show up to school without my makeup done perfectly, and I have to get new clothes ever so often. It's stressful.

Prince Charming: so why don't you just let it go and be a regular student?

Yanni: because being the popular girl beats being the bullied girl. I was once bullied and it took a lot for me to get where I am.

Prince Charming: what exactly happened? You just got prettier and that's it?

Zuo honestly wanted to know, till this day he hadn't been told about how Yanni changed. Whenever he asked Vicky, it was obvious that she didn't want to talk about it. He knew Vicky detested Yanni with her whole heart, and it was honestly quite funny.

Yanni: No...when I told my mom that I was being bullied at school, she said I should change. She got me new better clothes and told me to act differently, so I took them and it worked out slowly. Of course at first they made fun of me for "trying too hard", but with time, they started to admire me.

Zuo: oh I see. So basically you're a character and the popular girl isn't the real you.

Yanni: you make it seem so deep LOL

Zuo: Do you even like the clothes you wear?

Yanni thought about how all her outfits were decided by the latest trends. She never really got to wear what she wanted. Her life was all too scripted for most regular enjoyment.

Yanni: not all of them.

Zuo: then maybe it's not worth it. Instead of making good memories in school, you'll be wasting your time trying to be something that won't even last.

Yanni thought about it for a moment, was it really worth it? 

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