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Zuo was feeling anxious now, Yanni hadn't attended lessons for a while now and she wasn't texting him as Prince Charming. He knew it was because of her wrist, but he wanted to know how she was. He was thinking of being the first one to text her,

It had been 6 days, and he was feeling increasingly restless with each moment.

When he heard his laptop ping that evening, he excitedly ran over to his computer. He knew it could have been anything else other than a message from Yanni, a simple notification to update his software perhaps, but he was only hoping it was what he wanted.

Yanni: hi Prince Charming, are you there?

Zuo could feel so much excitement running through his veins. After 6 days of not seeing her and not communicating with her,

Prince Charming: yes I am here, how are you?

He had to sound as robotic as possible, making sure not to show any of the excitement he was feeling from her text.

Yanni: well I'm better than I was a few days ago XD

Prince Charming: what was bothering you?

Yanni: oh it's nothing.

She still didn't want to talk about it. At this point it wasn't because she was uncomfortable, it was more because of the fact that it made her feel even more sad each time she brought it up. So she decided she would keep it to herself for a while.

Yanni: anyway can I tell you something crazy?

Prince Charming: sure.

Yanni: if you were a real guy, I think you'd be really cute.

Prince Charming: why?

Zuo found himself blushing at the statement that wasn't necessarily directed to him.

Yanni: because you're absolutely perfect. Someone who sounds like you is bound to be some cute sensitive soul.

In fact if a guy like you existed, I would date him straight up.

Prince Charming: really?

His heart started to beat faster...this time, he felt that it was a compliment directed to him. Because he was the one behind the screen.

Yanni: yeah of course! A guy who's always there when you need him and listens to all your complaints? That's everyone's dream boyfriend. But I guess you always have time for me because you're a chatbot lol, so you're basically an unrealistic guy.

Prince Charming: yes.

Zuo simply replied like a chatbot would, but in real sense, he wanted to tell her how he was real and always made time for her even when he was busy or tired. He was real, and he was the one who gave her the advice she used many times.

Yanni: I haven't been going to school recently but I think it's time I start going. I won't to go there without wearing my heavy makeup

Zuo: really? You no longer want to be popular?

Yanni: well not exactly, but I feel like toning it down a little bit. Hopefully my mom will allow me.

Zuo smiled. Having Yanni stop being so into being popular could perhaps bring back the Yanni he knew and loved. He felt a little bit selfish for thinking such thoughts, after all, it wasn't about him, it was about Yanni and how she wanted to find her identity in something other than what she looked like.

If Yanni wasn't going to be in makeup again when she returned to school, Zuo was curious to see her.

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