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"Are you seriously upset at me about this?" Dream yelled at his girlfriend.

"Yes! You never hang out with me! You're always hanging out with your friend!" Lily yelled.

"I always text you and call you to hang out! You're out with your bitchy friends!"

"You're so mean! Leave me alone!" Lily said and Dream stormed off to his car. They were in the middle of an empty parking lot on a Sunday afternoon as the sun was blazing down on them. Neither of them remembered how they had gotten into the argument, but it had happened. They always got on each other's nerves, but they'd act fine the next day. Dream drove home in anger and got into his driveway, still frustrated. He let out a scream of vexation and slammed his fist onto the side of the steering wheel. He stormed into the house and his best friend Sapnap was in the living room.

"Sup? Where were-" Sapnap started, but Dream made his way upstairs, slamming his bedroom door shut. "Δεν χρειάζεται να είσαι αγενής," Sapnap muttered to himself and looked back at his phone. Dream laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling with mixed emotions. Yet another fight with his girlfriend. "Hey, dude," Sapnap walked into his room.

"What do you want?" Dream snapped.

"Chill. I just came to check on you. You stormed in and ran to your room."

"I'm fine."

"I know when you're lying, Dream. You're such a bad liar."

"Fuck off, Nick," Dream said.

"I'm your friend. I'm always here and you push me away, Clay. You're lucky I tolerate you because anyone else would just walk out," Sapnap said and Dream stayed quiet. "Okay."

"I had a fight with Lily again."

"She's toxic, bro. You've broken up with her 3 times and you always go back to her. You're too blind to see it. She's using you."

"Just leave me alone," Dream said and Sapnap walked out. Dream obviously knew his best friend of 8 years was right. And he knew that Sapnap was right about him pushing people away. He'd lost so many friends that he couldn't get back just because of how he acted when he was upset.

Pull yourself together! Get off your bed and go be productive! You don't need her. She always gets upset for no reason and she's the problem. Not you, Dream thought to himself just as his phone buzzed he looked at the new notification that popped up on his screen. A text. Obviously from his girlfriend. He checked it out anyways and that's where his thoughts went to the trash.

Lily❤️❤️❤️: Babe, I'm really sorry. I've been having a really bad day. How about we meet tonight and we can get dinner?

Clay: Are you okay now?

Lily❤️❤️❤️: Yes. I'm sorry. I love you, babe. Please?

Clay: Yeah. Ofc

He set his phone aside and sighed, falling back onto the bed. Why was he so dumb? He kept going back to her like Sapnap had said. He stumbled out of bed and went down.

"Oh, look who came to his senses and got out of his room," Sapnap said, sitting at the counter and staring at his phone.

"Are you always gonna make comments? You're getting on my nerves," Dream said.

"It's what I do, Dream. You know this."

"I'm an idiot," Dream stated, shoving his face in his hands.

"What's new?" Sapnap asked.

"Lily texted and wanted to get dinner tonight. I said yes," Dream said and Sapnap sighed.

"Okay, as your best friend, I think it's time I tell you that this is your problem."

"I know!" Dream punched the counter.

"Just go to dinner with her and then... just end it. She's toxic, she's causing problems, and she might even be cheating, Clay. It's time you actually let her go." Dream nodded and decided that night was the time.

He went to pick up his girlfriend and knocked on the door.

"Oh, hi, Clay," Lily's mom opened the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Smith," Clay said, itching the back of his neck like he usually did when he was in an awkward situation.

"Oh, I told you to call me Jamie," she smiled. "I know you're here for Lily. She's upstairs in her room." Dream walked up to Lily's room and walked in. She walked out of her bathroom in a sports bra and booty shorts which immediately hooked Dream. His lips parted as he watched her.

"Hey, baby," Lily walked over and gave him a kiss. She pulled away to go to her closet and Dream licked his lips, tasting the sweet flavor of her cherry chapstick. "I'm ready," Lily came back over and grabbed her phone off the bed.

"Let's go," Dream said and took her hand and they got dinner. Dream drove Lily back to her house and stopped her before she left. "We should talk," he said in a low voice.

"Yeah?" She asked and batted her eyelashes, trying to get him to skip past the subject. It was clearly close to working. Dream hesitated as he took a breath.

Come on, Dream. You need to do this for yourself, he thought to himself.

"We're not working out," he said.

"What?" Lily asked, thinking she misheard.

"We should break up, Lily."

"Why?" She asked.

"Because we always fight over the smallest things! Then we act like we're fine the next day. That's not how a relationship should be. I'm sorry."

"Whatever," she scoffed and got out, walking into her house. Dream drove home and felt relief fall over him. He felt like he was more free, weight lifting off his chest. He walked into the house and Sapnap was waiting.

"Please tell me you grew a pair," Sapnap said. "Please, Dream, spit it out. Tell me you broke up with her." He waited for Dream's response and finally got one.

"I'm officially single and happy about it for once," Dream said.

"Yes!" Sapnap clapped. "Finally. You need a celebration drink."

"Agreed. Not gonna argue with you there."

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now