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He helped George and wiped his tears. They went to the car and Dream stored the drawing in the glove compartment so it was safe. The two met up with Sapnap at Taco Bell for lunch and George was scared to try something new.

"You're gonna be fine. It's not gonna kill you, dude," Sapnap said.

"Can I just have some of yours?" George looked up at Dream, holding his arm.

"Of course," Dream said. The 3 sat at a table and Sapnap was eyeing some girls that were sitting at a table diagonally across from them.

"You think any of them are single? George, which one's the cutest?" Sapnap asked and George looked up at him from the food, slowly. "Right."

"You're a dick," Dream shook his head.

"Yeah, but you're still friends with me," Sapnap said.

"You live with me being stubborn and stupid, I live with you being a dick." George let the two of them bicker and looked out the window. There wasn't much going on in the area. There were generally tons of people walking along the streets, but today there were just occasional people. He guessed it was maybe because of the heat.

"Can we get ice cream?" George asked.

"From where?" Sapnap asked. "We have a million places around here. Just don't say McDonalds. Their ice cream machines are always 'broken'."


"Cold Stone. They're really good," Dream said. "I'd go for an ice cream cake."

"The one with the chocolate and cherries..." Sapnap said. They finished eating and took George to Cold Stone. They agreed on a cake and took it back to their house. Sapnap decided to eat his cake as he watched a movie and Dream and George stayed in the kitchen.

"Why'd we get a big cake?" George asked, finishing his piece.

"I don't know. Nick's gonna end up eating it anyways. He loves this cake," Dream said.

"Can I have more?"

"Yeah. You don't have to ask me." George took a small piece and put his plate in the sink. Dream put the cake back in the freezer and turned to George. "Come here." George went over all innocently and Dream gave him a big smooch. "Wanna go upstairs?"

"Yeah," George said and Dream started walking. They went to his room and George wanted to sit on the balcony.

"I hate the balcony," Dream stated.

"I don't. I wanna go."

"Then go." Dream watched George go out and sit on one of the chairs. He finally gave in and joined George on the balcony.

"Finally," George sassed. "Come here." He pulled Dream next to him and threw an arm over his torso, resting his head on Dream's chest. The warmth of the sun was too much for George to stay awake. He ended up falling asleep and Dream had to carry him in so he wouldn't get burnt. Dream held George and watched him, thinking back to the drawing. He wanted to experience so many more moments with George. George seemed all innocent and Dream wanted nothing more than to ruin him. It felt like there could never be a time where their relationship got boring. Dream knew George was a keeper. Their relationship felt so right. They hadn't fought yet and he was happy for once. It wasn't stressful since he didn't have to always make an effort. He just had to be himself. George woke around dinner time and Dream was asleep at this point. George liked the body heat he was getting from the dirty blonde, so he stayed put, only shifting to get comfortable again.

"Georgie, wake up," Dream said, the next morning.

"What?" George groaned.

"You have to wake up. Sam wants to see us."


"Mh-Hm. Even you."

"That's nice," George said and stretched.

"Yeah. You want my hoodie?"

"Yes!" George woke at that. "I want a black one."

"Okay. Well, you gotta wake up and take a shower," Dream smiled and George went to the bathroom. He started taking a shower when he heard the door open. "I'm leaving the hoodie on the counter, okay?"

"Okay," George said and Dream walked out. George got out and saw the clothes set out for him. There was a black hoodie and a high waisted pink skirt next to it. George put on his boxers and then got dressed. He liked the fit and went out to Dream.

"Beautiful," Dream cupped George's face in his hands and gave him a kiss. "Come on. We'll get breakfast on the way. Sapnap's waiting in the car." They went out and stopped at Denny's for breakfast before driving to a boat dock. Sam was waiting for them and looked George up and down.

"Where are we going?" Sapnap asked, getting on the boat Sam was on.

"Just a little island over there," Sam said. "No more questions. Get in." Dream and George got on and Sam controlled the boat.

"Is he always so serious? I've never seen him smile even since the day you brought me to see him," George whispered.

"He'll grow on you. Just be happy he doesn't hate you," Sapnap shrugged. It was a short trip to the island and it really was pretty small. There was just 1 house built there and it looked pretty well maintained.

"Where are we?"

"I have no idea," Dream looked around.

"You 2 remember Alyssa and Callahan, right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Sapnap questioned.

"This is where they've been staying. They're expecting us. Come on." The 4 boys went in and Sam led them to the dining room where a lady was sitting at the head of the table. She had almost whitish hair with a hint of light brown and she had pale white skin with rosy cheeks. Next to her was a man with brown hair and slightly tanned skin. He had a longer face structure and a sharp jawline.

"Sit," the lady, Alyssa, said. The 4 sat and George sat next to Dream. "Who's that?"

"My boyfriend George," Dream said.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now