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Of course Dream went to Sapnap and some others immediately and George was left alone. He looked around and no one was watching him, so he felt less conscious. George walked to the bar stools and just watched everyone. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Callahan.

"Hi!" George said and the boy waved with a bright smile. "Ooh! You're a reindeer!" George smiled and Callahan nodded. The brown haired boy was in a reindeer onesie and it looked really comfy. He wrote something down and showed George.

Where is Dream? Did he leave you?

"Yeah. He's talking to his friends, so it's okay. I just don't know anyone else since Sapnap is with him over there," George looked over. "But I guess you're- Oh," George looked back and Callahan was gone. "Nevermind then." He went back to watching people dance around before he heard someone clear their throat next to him. He looked back and Callahan had 2 glasses of punch. He handed one to George and sat on the stool next to him, both sipping their drinks.

"Georgie, why aren't you talking to anyone?" Dream came over.

"I am. I have Callahan," George said and Dream looked over.

"Hey." The other boy waved.

"Dream! Get back here!" Dream was pulled and he gave a sorry look to George. Callahan decided to pull George to the basement where there were less people and more silence. He set up the pool table and handed George a stick before writing quickly.

Ever played?

"Yeah. But I've never been that good," George smiled with a little laugh.

Makes 2 of us. Let's do this!

The two played and George won, getting him really excited.

"Yes! Yes!" He screamed.

"What's all the screaming?" Dream walked down with a bottle.

"I won a round of pool! You should have seen it, Dream! It was so cool! I shot here and then it bounced and then- Oh, my God! It was awesome! Right, Callahan?" George screamed with a smiled as he bounced around. Callahan nodded and Dream gave a smile.

"That's great, babe. I'm so proud of you!" Dream said and kissed George's cheek as Callahan set the table up again. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Dream asked George, who stepped aside with him. "Are you upset I haven't hung out with you all night, George?"

"No. You have many other friends and you always hang out with me. It's great that you're hanging out with them. I get to hang out with Callahan now," George said, understandingly.

"Thanks, babe. I promise after the party, you can stay over and I'll give you so many cuddles," Dream said.

"Okay," George gave a little laugh as his boyfriend gave him a soft kiss. Dream went back up to his other friends and Callahan and George kept playing. The party ended at a little past 1 in the morning and people headed home.

"Callahan, it's time to go," Alyssa walked down.

"Oh, bye, Callahan," George waved and Callahan waved bye before going with Alyssa who gave a smile to George. He headed up as well and there were cups everywhere on the tables, floor, counters... Arms wrapped around his waist and he looked a little to the left.

"Come to bed. We'll worry about this tomorrow," Dream whispered and kissed his cheek.

"Okay." George went up and the two changed out of their costumes. George threw on one of Dream's oversized hoodies and some spare sweatpants he had brought. George was more tired than he'd like to admit. He tried to play it off, but as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out. Dream watched him for a little while with a small smile, pushing a strand of curly hair off of George's face.

"You looked gorgeous today, baby. Such a pretty boy..." Dream whispered so he wouldn't wake George.

In the morning, George woke with a soft yawn and stretched. He looked to his left where Dream had gone to sleep, but he was gone. He heard a clatter from downstairs and relaxed, sinking back into the soft bed.

"Oh, Georgie..." Dream cooed at the door.

"Hi," George giggled as his boyfriend came over, laying on him. George loved the intimacy and the body heat he was getting.

"I was thinking we should go shopping today, huh?"

"Shopping?" George perked up at that.

"Mh-Hm. We can get clothes or food... Would you like that?"


"Okay. Let's get some breakfast into you, we'll clean up downstairs, then we can head to your place so you get some fresh clothes." The boys went down and Dream served George breakfast. They took about 30 minutes to clean up the whole mess, but some parts of the house still smelled like alcohol. Dream drove George to the apartment where George then took a shower, brushed his hair, and got ready in a nice red skirt and sweatshirt. Dream approved of the outfit and they left. They knew some people would give them looks, but it wouldn't matter. The two were perfect together, nothing would change that. Dream drove the two to the mall and George had never been there. He had only really ordered things online, but even then, he never got much. He had brought everything from his old house here so there wasn't much to get. George came to reality when Dream took his hand as they walked. He let out a little giggle, making Dream smirk. "Cutie."

"Stop!" George whined. "Come on, where are we going first?"

"You decide. What place looks better?"

"There," George pointed. The two walked around for what only felt like a little while, but was actually 4 hours. They stopped at the canteen and got some food when they were a bit hungry, and then continued. George loved everything he had gotten. They finally decided to go back to the car and put the bags in the back.

"You better try out everything for me, babe," Dream whispered to George and kissed his cheek.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora