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George decided he needed to go to a club. He had spent the morning thinking of Amelia when he knew he shouldn't have been. He needed to get over her, but she was his first girlfriend. In a way he was craving for more relationships. He wanted to clear his head and have some fun which wasn't happening. He had called Brady already and tried to get his mind off things which didn't work, so he went on a walk on a trail behind the apartment where he found some unusual and creepy things to run away from. Going to a bar or club was his final option and George had decided that a bar would be filled with other people trying to drink their problems away. He always found that pretty depressing and boring even for him, so his final choice was a club. He really wasn't a fan of it since he was always forced to go by his now ex. Now he was willingly going to drown out his problems. He called an uber since he didn't have his own car yet.

"Where are we heading?" The driver asked.

"To the local club, please," George said.

"There are multiple close by. I take it you're new here."


"I know a pretty good one that a lot of people ask to go to."

"That works. Thank you," George said and enjoyed the ride. He walked in and there was a huge crowd of people either dancing, drinking, or just talking. George tried to make his way through the crowd, hoping not to get noticed. He wanted to stay out of trouble because he had seen what club and bar fights could turn into. He couldn't see an opening anywhere so he stood aside awkwardly.

"Excuse me. Excuse me," people walked past him, but no one stopped to talk to him. George was shorter than many of the people there and felt pretty inferior and intimidated. Drunk men stumbled by him and George felt uncomfortable. He remembered the main reason he was there. George started making his way through the crowd and was suddenly shoved by some couple who were dancing. He was pushed into a man at the bar who ended up spilling his drink.

"Are you serious?" The man turned to George with an angered look.

"I apologize-" George started.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The obviously drunk man asked George.

"Sorry. I really didn't mean to bump into you," George backed off, not wanting to start a fight.

"Does nothing go through your little Brit mind?"

"Hey! Back off," a blonde walked over, shoving the drunk man.

"Or what?" The drunk turned to the tall, blonde gentleman who was much taller than him. The blonde was around 6'3 and could easily beat George to a pulp if he was given one wrong look.

"There's no 'or what', bumbass. Just walk away and pick on someone your own size." The drunk stumbled off, knowing he'd get his ass beat, and both George and his mystery saviour sat at the bar.

"Um... Thanks," George said and didn't get a response which made him much more awkward, adding onto his fear of talking to people. So George decided he would try and introduce himself this time. "I'm George."

"Clay. You can call me Dream. What are you doing here?" Clay asked with an annoyed voice. George, in return, gave a confused look. Most people wouldn't be so rude the first time they meet someone. "Oh, come on. You're not made for this environment. Look how you're dressed," Clay scoffed so George knew to man up a bit.

"I get your point. I'm merely drinking my problems away. Mainly trying to forget a girl," he added at the end, going into thought of Amelia again.

"Mh. I've had my own girl problems. Definitely feel you." George and Clay sat in silence until their drinks arrived. Another male with black hair made his way through the crowd of people with a whole bottle of vodka in his hand, standing next to Clay. "Where were you?" Clay asked him, annoyed.

"Chill. I was just getting a chick's number. Maybe try it, Dream. Who's this?" The man looked at George who quickly looked away.

"Oh, uh, Nick, meet George. George, this is Nick," Clay introduced them.

"Hey," Nick gave a wave.

"Hello," George said, quietly.

"Ooh, a Brit," Nick came closer to George, making him uneasy. Nick sucked on a tooth and gave an intrigued look. "I've never met a Brit here in the US. Is it your first time here?"

"Um... Y-Yeah," George let out.

"You got any friends?" Nick leaned in enough so George could smell the vodka in his breath.

"Not here, no... Back in England, I do..." George was clearly uncomfortable and kept looking at Clay who finally decided to help.

"Okay, back off," Clay pulled Nick back, away from George, and downed his drink. "We have to go."

"But-" Nick started.

"Now," Clay told Nick, checking the time on his phone. "Sam told us not to be late or he's ditching us."

"What about him?" Nick whispered. "Hey, did you drive here?"

"No. I Ubered here. I don't have my own car yet," George said.

"Take him with us?" Nick looked at Clay for confirmation who looked George up and down with distaste.

"Alright," Clay shook his head and started walking.

"Come on," Nick pulled George by his wrist and they went outside. The sky was now pitch black and George hadn't realized how long he was in the club for. The breeze was cool, but not too cold. "Get in the back," Nick said and sat in the passenger's seat. Was George really about to go with a couple of strangers he just met? Yes. He had no other choice. He wanted some thrill. George buckled up in the back quickly and Dream started the car.

"Consider yourself lucky, George," Dream said, looking at him through the rear view mirror with his green eyes. "We're your new friends." With that, Dream started driving.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now