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"Are you fucking crazy?" Nick yelled at him.

"Shut up!" Dream screamed.

"It's fucking raining and there's a flood warning! It's a rainstorm and you're trying to get out?"

"Yes. And I fucking suggest you let me do what I want, Nick. Because I'm not taking anyone's bullshit today!" Dream turned to his friend who went quiet. "Good." He grabbed his keys and left. Dream went to George's apartment and the lady at the front desk stopped him.

"Are you Dream?" She asked.

"Yes," he nodded.

"A young man named George told me you would come by. I was told to give this to you," she set out a bankers box and an envelope.

"Thanks," Dream took them to his car and opened the box. Inside was all the stuff he had given to George. Sweatshirts were folded neatly and set inside with plushies set on top. And even the half finished to-do list which he had promised to finish with George. Dream immediately opened the envelope to see what George had written. What he read broke his heart.

Dear Dream,

Hey. I'm sure you came to check out if I was here so you could apologize. Well, I'm not. I left last night when I rushed back. I'm headed back to England right now. But I want to tell you this. I forgive you. I'm not upset or mad at you, Clay. I'm just disappointed that we didn't end up working out. You and Sapnap helped me feel so welcome in Florida and I'll never forget you guys. I had a great experience being friends with you two and dating you. You changed me for the better, Clay. You helped me figure out myself and you became the best relationship partner I've ever been with. You're one of the nicest people I've ever met, Clay. For that, I thank you. I won't be returning to the U.S. maybe ever. Maybe I belong in the UK. But there's one thing I ask of you. Please don't come looking for me. I'm sorry I can't face you and tell you all this. It would be easier for us to just never talk again. That way we can both move on.

Thank you for everything,

George Davidson

So there Dream sat in his car, in the middle of a Florida rainstorm, sobbing his heart out until he had no tears left. All that was on his mind were the three words he had never gotten to tell his lover now ex. The words he would never get to say.

I love you.


Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now