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Dream and George spent the next week completing some stuff on the To-Do list and we're having the most fun times of their lives. One day, George texted Dream to see if he was free to hang out. He remembered Dream say something about being busy, but still checked. All he got was a mysterious text to get ready in jeans and a hoodie. He did and got picked up by Dream who looked a little worried.

"Dream, what's wrong?" George asked.

"My family is coming over," Dream said. "I want them to meet you."

"M-Me? What if they don't like me? What if they want you to date a girl?" George started panicking.

"George, my parents are really nice. They care about my happiness whether it's with a guy or a girl."

"Okay," George sighed. He let Dream drag him to a restaurant and they got a table, waiting. Finally, Dream's family arrived.

"Um... Mom, dad... This is my boyfriend George," Dream said.

"Aww. Hello, you can call me Susan," his mom smiled, shaking George's hand.

"Greg," Dream's dad gave a smile and shook his hand as well. Then they all looked at Dream's little sister.

"Hi? I'm Drista, I guess," she said and George nodded.

"She's like that," Dream said. They all ate and most questions were directed at George, mainly asking where he was from and what it was like in England. When the night ended, Dream's family went one way while Dream and George went the other. "See? It wasn't that bad."

"Does your sister hate me?" George asked.

"What? No. Babe, like I said, she's like that. That's just her personality. She doesn't hate you. If she did, she'd say it." Dream drove to George's place and stayed over for a bit.

"You're not gonna stay for the night?" George asked.

"I told Sapnap I'd be back to game with him." George was too tired to protest, so he just laid with Dream until he fell asleep.

Dream felt George's breathing even out as he let out little huffs of air. His phone dinged; surely a message from Sapnap. Dream ignored it for a little longer, holding the sleeping boy in his arms. When the clock hit 10, Dream left, heading home. He played video games with his best friend for the rest of the night into the morning.

The next day, Dream got a call that Sam, Alyssa, and Callahan were coming over.

"Wait, pick up George on the way. We can all hang out," Dream told Sam.

"Got it," Sam said and hung up. They four of them arrived and at first, Alyssa, Callahan, and George watched Sapnap, Dream, and Sam play. Then they switched.

"Callahan! Don't you dare hit me!" George screamed, he himself hitting Callahan. Callahan let out a screech as George won and everyone stared at him, making him go red.

"The hell was that?" Sam asked and Callahan pulled his hood on, tightening the strings. George laughed and they all kept playing. They soon decided to have a movie day and all went out to the store to get snacks. Dream noticed George being quiet and not yearning for attention like he usually was which was pretty off. George always tried to hold Dream's hand, but now his hands were calmly in his hoodie pocket.

George didn't want to seem obnoxious in front of Dream's friends or embarrass Dream, so he was just keeping to himself. He of course added some snacks that he wanted to Dream's bin and then just stood there, following his boyfriend, Sam, and Alyssa.

"I haven't had these since I was, like, 10," Alyssa held up some cookies.

"I had an entire bag of gummy bears the other day and I still haven't burnt off the calories and pounds," Sam said. Dream laughed and shoved his hand into George's pocket, grabbing his hand and pulling it out to hold it. He did it so casually that no one suspected a thing, but George felt Dream's emotions through the action. When they were checking out, George stood with Dream, helping scan stuff.

"What's up with you?" Dream asked.

"What?" George asked.

"You always hold my hand and act all cute."

"Oh... I didn't wanna annoy you or embarrass you in front of your friends..."

"What? No. Babe, you'd never do that. You're not annoying or embarrassing," Dream planted a kiss on George's lips after cupping his face.

"Aww," Alyssa said.

"So cute," Sam laughed.

"Not cute! I have to deal with this more than you guys do," Sapnap shook his head. They headed out and watched the movies. They started off with comedy, then sci-fi, then when it got night, they tried horror. George squeezed himself between Dream and the couch arm, then shoved his face into Dream's neck when things got scary.

After a while, Alyssa, Callahan, and Sam left. Sapnap had fallen asleep on the couch and George was on the verge, his eyes closing. Dream got up and George let out a whine.

"Shh. Shh. I'll carry you upstairs. Don't worry," Dream lifted him, setting him on the bed. George fell asleep immediately and Dream soon joined him after turning the lights off. Dream stayed awake a little longer, just watching George. He pet the brunette's hair resting his chin on his head as his other arm was wrapped around George's waist.

In the morning, Dream woke, taking a shower before George woke.

"Hi," George let out as Dream walked out.

"Hey. Wanna get breakfast before we go to your place?" Dream asked, giving his boyfriend a soft kiss.

"Mh-Hm." George stretched and got up. They got some breakfast and went through the drive thru, eating in the car before heading to George's apartment, or as he would say, flat. Dream patiently waited for him as George took a shower, getting ready. It was pretty windy and cloudy outside, so they both wore sweatpants and hoodies. "Hi," George said, straddling Dream and hugging him around the neck.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now