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George was super excited. His leg was bouncing in anticipation on the drive and he kept telling Dream to go faster.

"George, I'm stuck in traffic! What do you want me to do?" Dream finally snapped. "Here, listen to some music." Dream turned on the car radio and his favorite song came on. Heatwaves by Glass Animals. To his surprise, George knew the song.

"I've heard it on the radio before," he said, nonchalantly. George vibed to some music and was finally quiet, letting Dream drive in peace. They finally got to Disney World and George was captivated by all that was going on around him. There wasn't much to do really other than look around and get food or get on some rides, but that didn't matter to George. He was somewhere new with his boyfriend. That's all he needed. Dream took George's hand in his and they walked around. George pulled Dream to many of the rides until Dream felt sick enough to throw up.

"I-I need to sit," Dream decided and they sat on a bench. "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah! I didn't usually do stuff like this with my friend from the UK," George remembered his old, boring self. The two boys stayed until the night, then decided to get dinner. "I don't wanna go home yet," George said as they got back in the car.

"What do you wanna do then?" Dream asked.

"I wanna go for a walk. The park near your house is always empty."

"Okay. Not for too long though," Dream said. He drove George to the park and they walked together, hand in hand.

"What's on your mind?" George asked Dream. They were now sitting on one of the benches, but George had his head in Dream's lap, laying down.

"Nothing. Nothing important," Dream set a hand on George's waist.

"Come on," George smiled. "You can tell me."

"I had fun today. I never got to really hang out with my ex. She was always hanging out with her friends. But you... you hang out with me whenever you can."

"That's because you and Sapnap are my only friends here. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't hang out with you guys." George stared at the sky and watched the stars, occasionally seeing a small blinking light from a plane overhead. Oh the other hand, Dream could only focus on George. The way his hair fell, his coffee brown eyes, his thin lip... Dream couldn't help but lean down and place a kiss on George's lips. They both closed their eyes and didn't open them until Dream pulled away.

"Wanna head back now? It's gonna rain soon and it's getting cold," Dream said.

"Yeah," George got up. He was taken to his apartment and Dream went in with him, staying in the room as George changed in the closet. He laid down and Dream got up.

"I have to head home," Dream pulled the blanket over George.

"Aww," George said, wishing Dream would stay.

"I'm sorry, Georgie. Maybe another time." Dream placed a kiss on George's forehead as the brunette closed his eyes. George was more tired than he wanted to admit, but when his eyes closed, he was out for the night. "Night, George," Dream whispered and walked to the door. He turned back and slid off his hoodie, setting it under George's arm. In his sleep, George unconsciously gripped it, making his boyfriend smile. Dream turned the lights off and quietly shut the door before heading home. Sapnap was passed out on the couch with anime still playing on the TV. Dream chuckled remembering the time he had turned it off and Sapnap woke up to tell him he was still watching it, then proceeded to fall asleep again.

The next day, George had an idea to start a drawing project. He didn't have any inspiration on what to draw until Dream texted him good morning. George got to work on drawing as best as he could. He was never that good at drawing, especially since he failed his art class throughout his entire time in school. But his determination was what was making this project good. He was drawing a moment from the night before with Dream. They were on the park bench and George was laying on his lap, staring at the stars. He had just finished drawing it and had plans to color except... he was colorblind and didn't wanna ruin it. His apartment door burst open and Dream walked over to him.

"Hey! You didn't say good morning back," Dream smacked the back of his head.

"I was busy," George shrugged.

"What are you drawing?" Dream took the paper and George looked down, blushing. "Is this me and you?"

"Yeah," George said.

"'Me and Clay.'" Dream had read the bottom right corner.

"It's not that good... I wanted to color it, but I didn't wanna mess it up with the different shades of blue for the sky."

"It's really good like this. I like it," Dream softened his voice and smiled a little at the drawing.

"Really?" George looked back up, happy.


"Do you want it?"

"Sure. You're wearing my hoodie."

"Oh, yeah. You left it last night so I wanted to wear it."

"George, it's 90 fucking degrees outside," Dream scoffed.

"So?" George asked. "I have the A/C on."

"Go change. We're meeting Sapnap for lunch later." Dream pet George's thigh and George groaned as he went to change. He wore a simple black shirt and black jeans before returning back to Dream who was admiring the drawing still. "What, no skirt today?" Dream teased.

"I don't plan on getting tanned today, Dream," George crossed his arms.

"Are you getting sassy with me?" Dream mocked, crossing his arms.

"No," George stated.

"Really?" Dream started tickling him and George was soon crying and out of breath.

"No! No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He screamed and Dream stopped.

"That's right. I always win. You can't beat me, I'm a bad bitch!" Dream declared and got up.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now