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George was taken to his apartment and he and Dream tried on the different clothes. George spotted out the hoodies he liked and knew he'd steal at some point.

"George!" Dream said.

"Sorry, what?" The brunette asked.

"I asked if this one looked weird or not," Dream looked at himself in a mirror and turned in a circle. It was a bit baggy, but still looked really good.

"I think it looks great!" George smiled.

"Okay." Dream put his clothes to the side and George put his in his closet.

"Dream," George made grabby hands and Dream went over to him, hugging him around the waist and lifting him.

"You have to tell me what you want, babe," Dream chuckled.

"Cuddles," George buried his face in Dream's neck and took in a whiff of his cologne. Dream made his way over to George's bed and sat with his legs extended, leaning back against the backboard. George was set on his lap, still holding on. Neither of them said a word and knew they didn't have to.

As night came around, Dream ended up going home since Sapnap would be upset if he missed anime night. George was too tired to protest and ended up falling asleep even before Dream left him. The next day, George went out for a morning coffee. He was trying to build some confidence so he didn't always need Dream to talk or order for him. He sat outside and just listened to people's conversations.

"Yeah, we're gonna head over to the arcade by the beach in a bit," someone said. At that, George perked up. He remembered the arcades by his house in the UK that he loved going to. They had the coolest prizes there. George texted Dream but didn't get an instant response.

George: Can we please go to the arcade? It sounds so fun! I heard people talk about it!

Dream: Sure.

Dream: I'm hanging out with Sapnap right now, but we can go in the afternoon

Dream: I can pick you up then

George: Okay!

He headed home and waited until Dream came over. In the meantime, he decided to create a couples to-do list. He checked some off since the couple had already done some of them together. There was a knock on his door and he gasped, getting up.

"Hey, baby," Dream smiled when he walked in.

"Look what I made," George showed the list, making Dream chuckled.

"We'll finish all of them some day. I promise," Dream smiled and George hugged him. "Now how about we head to that arcade?"

"Yes!" George said. Dream lifted the shorter to his front and carried him out, setting him in the car. Dream drove the two of them to the arcade and they spent the rest of the day there. By the time they decided to head back, the whole car was full of stuffed animals. "Where are we going?" George asked when they drove past the apartment.

"If I have to attend anime night, so do you," Dream said, driving George to his house. Sapnap was waiting intently and was super excited that George was gonna join. They all stayed up and watched anime, then Sapnap passed out from exhaustion. Dream motioned George to follow him up, so George grabbed his favorite stuffie and went up. "Want me to drop you at home or are you gonna stay?" Dream asked, changing. George observes him closely before answering.

"I'll stay," George said, sniffing a hoodie Dream threw to him.

"Give," Dream took the stuffed animal from George and sprayed some cologne on it. "Now you can hold it when you miss me. And it'll smell like me." George grew a large smile and hugged Dream around the torso. "Come on, babe. Let's get to bed." The two cuddled up and slept, George resting his forehead against Dream's chest as an arm was wrapped around him.

In the morning, Dream was up early and went to a different room, taking his guitar with him. When George got up, he heard quiet strumming and followed it to Dream.

"Hi," he went to Dream and straddled him, hugging him and closing his eyes.

"Hi," Dream chuckled and kissed the other's shoulder. "I wrote a song for you. Wanna hear it?"

"You wrote a song for me?" George got up.

"Mh-Hm. Remember when we sat on that park bench and then you drew a picture of it? It's about that moment."

"Mh-Hm," George hummed and waited intently.

"Um... Yeah..." Dream got nervous and cleared his throat before quickly strumming something and stopping.

"What's it called?" George tried to help out.

"Oh. Right, uh... It's- It doesn't really have a name or title, but I guess it could be called Yellow. I don't know. It's in the lyrics," Dream said and started again. As his fingers plucked at the strings he had played many times before, he gained his confidence and started singing. (The song is Yellow by Coldplay. s/o to them. Amazing song, love it) Dream finished and strummed a little extra at the end. He slowly looked up at George who was smiling. In fact, the boy was grinning with the happiest look that Dream had ever seen from him. "Uh... How was it?" Dream set the guitar aside and was immediately tackled by his boyfriend in a tight hug.

"That was amazing! No one's written a song for me before!" George said and giggled. "I loved it!" Dream smiled and hugged the brunette back.

"Okay, babe. I'll drive you home," Dream said finally, wishing he didn't have to let go of George.

"Aww. Okay," George sighed, letting out a huff of air when Dream let go of the embrace. He wanted to be held forever in the comforting arms of his boyfriend. They headed back and George brushed his teeth, took a shower, changed, and had some food so he was ready for the day. Dream was watching something on the TV and seemed really into it, so George sat next to him. It was some cartoon that Dream had hyper fixated on so George just tried to enjoy it too. The more he watched it, the more messed up it seemed. I guess that's American cartoons then, George thought to himself.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now