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Dream had just met George and was already taking him to one of their many secret hideouts.

"Tell him the rules and give him a run over of everything," Dream ordered to Nick. Something about George made him feel comfortable with taking him to the hideout. Maybe it was the fact that the brunette was much shorter than him, shy, and could easily be threatened.

"Hey, buddy," Nick said and climbed into the back with George. "Let me give you a little rundown on what's gonna happen."

"Oh. Okay," George said, completely innocent. Dream wondered why the boy was so calm about getting taken away by strangers.

"We're going to one of our hideouts to meet our friends. If you say anything about what happens tonight anywhere, you will regret it."

"Oh..." George was finally scared which made Dream crack a smile. Nick gave orders to George and they finally arrived. Dream was followed by George who was looking around at the shady area they had come to. Dream and Sapnap went up the emergency fire exit and George followed them unsurely.

"Where are we going?" George asked and Dream turned.

"We said to our hideout. Just be quiet," Dream said and George looked down. They climbed through a window and arrived in a room where one man was sitting on an armchair.

"Bout time you got here. Who's that?" The dirty blonde asked.

"Sam, this is George. We met him at the bar today," Nick said.

"Look, if you trust him, then I'll shut up," Sam said.

"George, this is Sam. He's one of our closest friends," Dream told George. George sat next to Dream who was sitting between him and Sapnap on the couch.

"What's happening?" George asked Dream.

"It's just a movie night. Chill. Nothing weird and gangster-like," Dream told George. Dream threw his legs onto the coffee table and George followed what he did. Sam had known Dream and Sapnap for only a year now but was still pretty close to them. They had a trust bond even though they were at each other's throats all the time. It was just their friendship. Sam was pretty chill, kept secrets, and had a soft side once in a while. Sam threw on an action movie that all the boys thought was pathetic. Even George, which surprised Dream who refused to show emotion. They still finished the movie and it was pretty late. Dream and Sapnap had to get back home for no specific reason other than just wanting to be alone and listen to music. "Where are you staying?" Dream asked George as they got out of the apartment.

"Uh, my apartment is back by the club," George said. "I can just get an uber."

"It's on our way," Dream said as they got to the car. George got in the back and Dream drove to the apartment.

"Thanks," George said, but Dream never said anything back as George got out. Dream drove himself and Sapnap home and they went their separate ways. Sapnap went to the kitchen to get a snack since they both had skipped dinner as Dream went upstairs to take a shower. He wanted to wash the smell of alcohol off of himself. Dream started his shower and let the water warm up as he undressed. He stepped into the shower and shut the glass door. He stepped into the water and closed his eyes as the drops flowed over his body. He ran his hands through his hair, letting it get wet as well. The warm water on his skin let him relax and get away from his life for a bit. His tense muscles finally relaxed and he let his head drop back, water running over his face. Dream washed his hair, putting in his shampoo and conditioner, then ran the soap over his body. He washed it off and turned his back to the water, letting the shampoo drip off his hair. Dream got out soon enough and wrapped the towel around his waist after drying himself. His wavy hair stayed wet and flopped to one side. He changed into the hoodie and sweatpants he had set out and headed to his bed. He turned on his LED lights to a dark shade of purple before falling asleep. He did think of the brunette he had met that day, though. Not in a weird way.

For the next week, Dream and Sapnap kept going to the club every day and Dream went to the same place he had met George exactly a week after.

"Are you here every week?" He suddenly heard a voice behind him before George was sitting next to him.

"Mh... I'm here every day," Dream said.

"So you're a drunkard?" George asked.

"You're getting bold."

"It was a valid question."

"I'm not a drunkard. I don't drink every day, George," Dream looked at the short boy next to him.

"How old are you?" George asked him.

"21," Dream answered. "You?"

"24. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," George walked off and Dream watched him leave closely. Dream downed about 3 drinks added onto his 5 from before and was soon far from sober. George got back and was followed by Sapnap. "Uh... You good?" George asked Dream.

"He's drunk," Sapnap said.

"You know me too well," Dream told Sapnap with a slur in his voice.

"I should get him home," Sapnap sighed. "You wanna come with us, George?"
"Oh... Um... If you want me to," George played with his fingers, unsurely.

"Yes," Dream stated, yanking George. He said it in a more daring voice than intended. Dream was taken home by Sapnap and George was amazed at the surprisingly tidy place. Dream sat on the couch sideways and looked at George who was standing in front of him. "Nick's gonna drive you back. Stay out of my room. Enjoy yourself and your short stay," Dream said before he immediately leaned back and passed out.

Melancholy: DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now