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England was boring. At least to George who had lived there his entire life. He wanted to go to the US so bad. His friends had been there for vacation, but George himself had never gone. His life was pretty boring, to say the least. Even his friends sometimes found themselves too cool for him. George could never get girls either. He couldn't get anyone for that matter of fact. He had gone up to multiple first during his lifetime and they would all either laugh or walk away. Occasionally both. In other words, he was struggling.

"George, you up for heading to the theme park?" His friend Brady asked.

"Yeah. Sure," George said. He got ready and followed his friend to the surprisingly packed car. There were more people who he knew and some he didn't.

"Guys who don't know him, this is George," Brady introduced him before letting him sit. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yes," there was a collective shout of voices from the back of the car. The car looked more like a caravan and could seat 7 people total in the seats, but there were people sitting on the floor in the trunk as well. They made it to the theme park and all they heard were screams from people on the roller coasters. George was never one for heights. In fact, he was terrified of them. He had no idea what had led him to agree to go to the theme park with his friends and a few strangers, but he had a hunch. Maybe he just wanted to seem cooler. The group walked around and George really only talked to the people he knew. He wasn't great at talking to people and needed them to talk to him first. It's how he had met all his friends.

"We can start easy and go to the Smiler in the end," Oliver said.

"The-The Smiler?" George asked. He was even more terrified.

"Are you seriously scared of the roller coaster?"

"No. I'm just thinking about the name," George lied but made it convincing enough.

"If you say so." George and the boys started off on the easy roller coaster. It was more like a large swing and it was called the Blade. At some point through the entire experience, George was actually having fun. He forgot about his fear of heights and talking to people and was more elaborate with them. People liked his personality. The true one that came out when he was carefree. Then the final ride came. The Smiler. Everyone was screaming, not just George. His friend Brady was screaming like a girl and the funny part was that they were actual screams.

"I'm gonna throw up!" Leo yelled as they went around the loop. The ride finally stopped and everyone looked at each other. The girls' hair was messed up and some of the guys' hair was blown back enough to show their entire foreheads. Everyone was a laughing mess after Leo ran to the trash can to throw up. Brady got back to driving after that and everyone started getting dropped off at their place. It was George's turn to get out in front of his house and he said bye to everyone.

"Bye, George. You're super cool," one girl said. He gave her a smile and walked out of the car and into his house. What was up with that girl? No one ever said he was super cool. Plus, he didn't even know her. But those thoughts are what led him to certain events in his future.

"Babe, let's go to the club," the girl from before, Amelia, said.

"Okay, okay. Let me get my keys," George said with a smile. He and Amelia had been dating now for about 5 months. It was a great relationship in George's poor, innocent mind. In reality, it was pretty toxic. Amelia was forcing George to stop spending time with his friends and making him spend time with her. Everyone else could see except George who was pretty blinded by the thought of love. He wasn't really in love. It was his first-ever relationship after all. George got his keys and jacket, walking with Amelia to his car. He only recently got his license, actually, after Amelia forced him to. In some ways, she was a good influence but could be a real bitch to people sometimes and George always thought it was his fault when they argued. Again, toxic. They drove to the club and Amelia immediately pulled him to the bar.

"Two please," she ordered a drink. George put his arm around her and she pulled away from him a little.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. You're just getting all touchy. You usually like it when I get touchy with you," Amelia said.

"Yeah... Sorry," George said and she scoffed. They got drinks and Amelia said she had to go to the bathroom. She walked in the direction and George sat on the bar stool. 2 minutes passed and she hadn't come out yet. George decided to give her longer. 5 minutes passed, then 10. He finally got up and headed to the bathroom. Right in front, Amelia was having a makeout session with a stranger. "Are you serious?" George asked and she turned.

"Babe, who's this?" The stranger asked.

"I-I'm not sure," Amelia lied.

"Oh, really? We're over. Don't bother crawling back," George said and walked out. He drove home, alone, and Brady came over.

"Hey. Wanna hear a joke?" Brady asked.

"It's not gonna help," George sighed. It was late, but neither of them was tired. George was more upset and kept thinking about why Amelia, 'the love of his life', would cheat on him in the same place. Was she drunk? Did she know him from before?

"Come on."


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?" George sighed.

"Not your toxic ass girlfriend," Brady said and George slowly looked at him and that's when Brady regretted it.

"Oh, you little-" George tackled him, suffocating him with a pillow.

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