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The next morning, George was still upset. He had made a plan that morning that today was supposed to be about himself. He wouldn't think about Amelia and he planned on relaxing after getting some freedom. He was going about his day after having a plain breakfast of simple cereal. His bell rang and he opened the door to find Amelia who had her mascara and tears streaming down her cheeks. She was still in the same outfit she had on the previous night; a tank top and a skirt.

"George, please! I'm so sorry," Amelia said, practically begging.

"Go away. I know what I saw. You were on him. He wasn't on you," George said. "Leave me alone. I mean it. We're over and we're not getting back together."

"But-" George shut the door in her face and made a decision that would probably change his life. He was gonna go to the US. He would leave the UK and go to the US to hopefully start a new life. He called Brady over since they were close and told him his choice.

"Good for you, honestly. You need to start fresh. I'm sure she... fucked you up," Brady said, understandingly. "I can help with the packing if you need."

"Yeah. That would be pretty helpful. I don't have much. It should all fit into a couple of suitcases, honestly," George said and looked around his room. George usually only got things he needed instead of what he wanted. All his belongings mainly consisted of clothes and pictures of his family.

Within the next few days, George booked tickets to go to the US and booked an apartment to live in for some time. Brady and George managed to fit all his stuff into two suitcases and a backpack which was all he needed.

"I'll drive you to the airport in the morning, mate," Brady told George who nodded. He came for George the next morning so he would make it in time for his flight. George took one last look at his apartment that he had stayed in for over 3 years and felt nostalgic and sentimental. He had to let it go. He could always come back to it if he needed to, though.

"Thanks for everything, Brady," George told him as they stopped at the airport.

"Yeah, of course. You're my friend, bro. It's sad to see you go, but it's good for you," Brady said and George gave him a bro hug. "Hey, text me or call me. I'm always free. Tell me how it is there. If you meet anyone."

"For sure," George said. He took his bags and checked them in, going through security. He made it to his gate and there was about an hour left. He'd never traveled out of the country before. He had lived in England all his life and that's where he liked to be. He didn't have any friends or family where he was going so he was on his own. It was time to be himself though. No more acting just to get friends.

Once the plane boarded, George quickly took his seat, watching instructions on how to stay safe on the plane. Although he was trying to focus, his mind kept traveling to things he was looking forward to or unfortunate events. The plane started and he put in his AirPods, chilling to some music. At some point, through the long flight, he fell asleep. George woke when the plane hit the hard asphalt of the airport he was landing at. He quickly got all his things and headed to claim his bags. Once he got them, he stepped out of the airport to find his Uber. He looked around and took in the hot, humid air of Orlando, Florida.

"George Davidson?" A man asked, standing in front of a Toyota Camry, and George nodded. "I'm your Uber driver. Let me get your bags."

"Thank you," George said and sat in the back of the car, taking in the smell of the air freshener.

"So are you visiting or moving here? Or do you live here?" The driver asked when the ride began.

"I'm moving here," George said, cheerfully.

"Any specific reason? Work, family?"

"Just to start fresh."

"Well, Florida's just the place for that." George looked at the scenery outside the window and saw plants that he'd never see in England. The greenery was like he had imagined and seen in pictures. "This is your stop, sir." The driver pulled up at an apartment building and helped George get his suitcases from the trunk.

"Thank you so much," George said and took his stuff in. He checked in at the front desk and was handed the key to his new home. George took the elevator up to his apartment and was thankful that it was working. In his old flat, the elevator was broken 24/7 and he had to take the stairs no matter what he was carrying. George arrived at his room and was nervous as he opened the door. He stepped in and the smell of a new room engulfed him. George set his bags on the ground and collapsed on the mattress that was already there. Within minutes, he was just passed out from exhaustion.

The next morning, George started setting up his new home. He got new furniture ordered and got a new mattress since this one smelled strangely of dog piss. He even decorated the room with some posters and set up some picture frames from his bags. His clothes were neatly set into the dresser, which had labeled drawers, or hung in his closet. He didn't sort it by any specific order than what the clothes were since he was colorblind. He looked around, in a circle, at where he would stay for what was hopefully a while. But one main thought on his mind was how lonely he was. He had no friends in the US to take him places and no family here either. For once in his life, George was forced to survive on his own.

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