one: delusional post

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"Park Jeongwoo!" Park Jihoon stormed inside Jeongwoo's studio and found him sitting by the corner of the room with composition papers around him. "Hey, Wake up."

Jeongwoo slowly fluttered his eyes open then immediately stood up after seeing his manager's face. "Jihoon-nim..."

Jihoon scoffed as he leaned to the wall with Jeongwoo's previous composition paper that he reviewed this morning after Jeongwoo submitted it to him. "This is another scrap, Jeongwoo. I can't believe the most biased, most popular member of your group is the last one to make a solo."

"Sir, I don't understand how that is scrap... I worked so hard for it day and night just so I could give you a love song like you wanted." Jeongwoo remarked, hanging his head low.

"How long has it been since you started? Seven months. That's seven shitty songs that you submitted to me. And that's how long your fans have been waiting for. Don't you understand? You'll lose everything you have now if you don't work on this solo song properly!" Jihoon madly exclaimed, throwing the papers to the floor.

Jeongwoo kneeled to reach the crumpled pieces of composition papers which he worked hard on doing day and night. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll try to do a better job next month—"

"I don't have the time to hear you're sorry. Find a way you can make a proper love song. There are inspirations everywhere like asking your relatives who experienced love or maybe you can experience it yourself. Just do something. I'll only be waiting for this month and never again. If you fail to create a solo love song, the company will make the song itself and you have to go with the flow by saying you made it. Alright?" Jihoon asked, staring down at Jeongwoo who wouldn't look up at him.

"Y-yes sir..." Jeongwoo replied with a trembling voice as if he was scared.

Jihoon let out a sigh as he kneeled down next to him while ruffling his hair. "You're looking down again. You'll never see rainbows that way."

Jeongwoo then faced Jihoon with tears flowing from his eyes and a gasp from his mouth. Jihoon might get a little mean sometimes but it's for the sake of his job because he truly cares for Jeongwoo and the rest of his members.

"I only comforted you not because I feel sorry for you, but it's because you need it. Now get going! You have a month left before I check on your songs again." Jihoon stood up from the floor as he waved Jeongwoo goodbye before leaving his studio.

Jeongwoo blinked in confusion and stood up from the floor as he placed the papers on his table. He then let out a sigh as he saw them crumpled. "I can't believe I really made something shitty..."

"Hello? Is our big bad wolf here?" Speaks three familiar voices which made Jeongwoo smile.

"I'm here, why?" Jeongwoo opened the studio door for Junkyu, Junghwan, and Jaehyuk who were carrying tons of food to eat before they go home. "You guys brought too much food... Is that really all for me?"

Junghwan laughed so hard he almost fell to the floor. "Of course not, they're all mine." He teased which made him earn tickles from Jeongwoo. "Alright, fine! Junkyu and Jaehyuk hyung bought it for you since I told them you were getting scolded by Manager Park again."

Jeongwoo faced Jaehyuk and Junkyu who stared back at him. "I mean, you didn't have to—"

"Heard that? Pack everything up, guys." Jaehyuk cut off Jeongwoo, wrapping his burger into foil again. "He doesn't want the food we brought so let's just go to the canteen instead of eating with this arrogant brat."

"Wait, no!" Jeongwoo held Jaehyuk's arm, making him stop. "I didn't mean it that way. I just don't have the mood to eat right now—"

"Junkyu Hyung and Junghwan, what are you waiting for? Feed this bitch until he's full." Jaehyuk commanded the two which made them take lots of food from the table and filled it to Jeongwoo's cheeks until he looked like a chubby bunny. "That's right. Make him look like a cute little baby just like when we used to train!"

anti-romantic ; hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now