seven: you have everything

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"...I've sent the money you earned so far from our fake dating so stop calling me, I'm in practice." Jeongwoo scolds through the phone, calling Haruto as he enters the practice room.

"I know, I know! I just wanna tell you that I'm thankful for last night~! My fever disappeared this morning, it was just like magic~!" Haruto exclaims happily.

Jeongwoo smiled at the thought of Haruto feeling better. "I told you, it's because of my presence that you got well. I'm literally so ethereal~"

Haruto was trying hard not to curse because Jeongwoo worked really hard to stay with him for the whole night. "Yeah, yeah, Whatever. Just go to your practice while I look for more stuff we can do next week."

"Okay, Goodbye, Shooting Star~! Take care, Drink water, and don't you dare drink too much cola!"

"You too! Bye, Woo~!" Haruto then ended the call as Jeongwoo turned his phone off, getting ready for the group practice.

Junghwan, Jaehyuk, and Junkyu were already in their positions for the dance practice while Jihoon was leading them in front.

"Park Jeongwoo! You're late today." Jihoon reprimanded the younger who immediately ran to his position before he gets scolded for something else. "Practice will be a bit harder today so you better make sure you do your best! Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" Treasure J replies in chorus.

Jihoon then plays their latest song while monitoring each one of them. If there is a single mistake spotted, even the smallest mistake, Jihoon will have to repeat the entire song. That's how Treasure J became a worldwide rookie, with their hard work and patience, they dominated the world.

The practice was going smoothly, not until Junkyu went off-beat, moving faster than the rest of them.

"Kim Junkyu! Because of your mistake, the whole group needs to do it from the start!" Jihoon shook his head as he let out a disappointed sigh, walking towards the monitor to play the song from the beginning.

Jaehyuk and Junghwan walked towards Junkyu and patted his back, trying to tell him that it's okay. Jeongwoo could only stand there since he's the member that isn't really close to Junkyu.

"3, 2, 1, Go!" Jihoon gave the go signal for the members to start dancing again. Once again, it was going really well but Junkyu kept doing something else as if he's out of his mind.

The practice went on and on and on that way, which made Jihoon furious.

"Junkyu! Are you crazy or what? You've been acting that way since this morning, is there something wrong?" Jihoon exclaims madly, staring at Junkyu intimidatingly.

"I'm sorry, sir." Junkyu bowed down repeatedly.

Jihoon sat on the floor and brushed his hair through his fingers. "Let's take a break. Junkyu might have a lot of things in his mind."

As soon as Jihoon said that, Junkyu dashed out of the practice room and all the way up to the rooftop. The members were confused since it's their first time seeing Junkyu slack off during practice.

"Jeongwoo-ah, Can you go comfort Junkyu? Something must've happened between you two because he was just fine yesterday." Jaehyuk whispered to Jeongwoo who returned a shocked face.

"Me? Out of the three of us? I'm the one that isn't close to him... I find him odd." Jeongwoo frowned just by the thought of it.

Junghwan just pushed Jeongwoo all the way to the stairs and smiled at him brightly, showing him a huge thumbs up. "Do it or I'll be sad!"

Jeongwoo didn't have a choice so he just went up and found Junkyu crying by the side of the rooftop. "J-junkyu Hyung..." He walked closer to the elder and kneeled to his level.

Junkyu faced him with a sad smile. "Do you... want to drink with me?"


"Hyung, I don't think we're allowed to do this, We just skipped practice..." Jeongwoo muttered, holding a glass of chocolate milk since he isn't allowed to drink for his age. "Why don't we go back and apologize to Manager Park?"

Junkyu laughed as he took another glass. "Hey, Park Jeongwoo."

Jeongwoo could only look at him while shaking because Junkyu never calls his members in that tone, especially him. "Y-yeah?"

"How does it feel to be you?" Junkyu asked, feeling drunk already. "You know, you can share if you want."

"I share things when I have to... What are you talking about?" Jeongwoo asked, feeling curious since Junkyu was the one who dragged him all the way here to talk.

"You're the most loved, most biased, most popular at our group, and you even have him," Junkyu remarked in a drunk voice. "Why him when you have everything?"

Jeongwoo stared at him in confusion. "Who... Who are you talking about...?"

"To be honest, I regret a lot of things so I am afraid... I drink very well." Junkyu paused, holding himself from crying. "I'm not going home, I can't help thinking about it."

"Hyung, I'm right here, you can tell me everything you have in your mind." Jeongwoo held Junkyu's arm tightly while caressing his cheeks as if he's the older one between them.

"I regret leaving him, I regret following my own dreams, I regret being here, and I regret myself for being selfish. I thought it isn't too late to come back but now you have it all."

Even though Jeongwoo doesn't understand a thing that Junkyu is talking about, he just kept drawing circles behind Junkyu's back using his fingers to comfort him.

"You're lucky. You have everything."

So Junkyu wants to be in Jeongwoo's place, isn't it? What's the reason behind it though? Seems like he wants something, a certain reason just to be in Jeongwoo's position.

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