nine: so curious

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For the past few days, whenever Jeongwoo goes out on a date with Haruto, he always posts a selca with interesting captions like 'Under the moon, sitting next to you

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For the past few days, whenever Jeongwoo goes out on a date with Haruto, he always posts a selca with interesting captions like 'Under the moon, sitting next to you...' or 'Shooting stars are nothing without you' which made Jeongwoo's fans curious.

But that was Jeongwoo's point. To make fans curious about it so that they have a glimpse of what his solo song is about.

"I'm kinda late, am I?" Haruto entered Jeongwoo's studio where he was amazed at the vintage yet cool atmosphere. "Wow, it's my first time seeing your studio and it's actually prettier than I thought it would look!"

Jeongwoo just stared at him from top to bottom, not expecting to see him here today. "I didn't know you were coming today... Do you need money? Or something more?"

Haruto frowned as he sat on the chair next to Jeongwoo. "Hey, even if I'm broke, I don't always approach you for money, okay? Sometimes, I just wanna see my cute shooting star!"

"We're not even dating for real but okay..." Jeongwoo brushed his hair through his fingers. "Why did you come here then?"

"Did you forget? I'm supposed to write your b-side and listen to your solo while eating your sweet and spicy chicken, right?" Haruto looked around the studio then pouted. "I don't see sweet and spicy chicken..."

"That's because I wasn't expecting you to come today," Jeongwoo added, staring at Haruto's things. "But you can listen to my song instead even though it isn't complete yet."

Haruto shook his head. "Nope! Save it for a while! I might be a close friend of yours but you're still an idol and from what I have researched so far, idols aren't allowed to spoil those kinds of things even to close friends."

Jeongwoo simply laughed after hearing the knowledge Haruto earned so far. "So you really searched for kpop industry things just to get the hang of me, aren't you? Well then if you really think you know something, why don't you show me what you can do with your song today?"

"You better not underestimate me! I'm really good at this!" Haruto then opened his notebook and his pen to start writing songs. "You better buy me cola later on if I finish the first verse, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I heard you." Jeongwoo then faced his computer to do his own business while Haruto does his.

Several hours have passed and Haruto soon fell asleep without even a single verse written. Instead, lots of crumpled pieces of paper were scattered around the table and he's lucky that it isn't his studio so that's why he doesn't have to clean it.

"Aigoo, he was acting so confident this morning but now all I can see is wasted paper," Jeongwoo mumbled to himself as he started staring at Haruto. "...Since when was he this charming?"

Hold on! Am I falling in love with Haruto? Watanabe Haruto? The person who's been trolling different fandoms on Twitter and the one who keeps asking money from me?

The immature, selfish, anti-romantic Watanabe? The one who drank cola for a whole week?!

I must be stupid to fall for someone like him!

"There's no way I'm falling for you!" Jeongwoo took his recorder from the shelf and played different kinds of notes, waking up Haruto from his sleep.

"You fucking asshole!" Haruto tiredly screamed as he just woke up. "I was sleeping peacefully and you dare to disrupt my sleep?!"

Jeongwoo held himself in from looking at Haruto's face because the more he looked at him, the more he probably fell. "W-what?! That's your problem now! I'm just playing lovely tunes using the recorder!"

"No, you're not! What shitty piece did you play then, huh? You're really provoking me!" Haruto took his pencil and poked Jeongwoo's arm using the eraser end.

"Fine, fine! I didn't play a professional piece so stop hurting me now~!" Jeongwoo nudged Haruto away from him but he just went closer.

"You still disturbed my sleep and that's something I can't forgive you for," Haruto exclaimed like a madman.

Jeongwoo pushed Haruto gently to the side, trying to say something to be forgiven. "If I bring you to the mall, will you forgive me?"

Haruto furrowed his eyebrows. "And what are we gonna do at the mall?"

"I don't know, buy you sweet and spicy chicken together with 2 cans of cola?" Jeongwoo softly said, closing his eyes before Haruto hits him one more time.

"Do you really think that will make me forgive you, huh?" Haruto was about to hit him with the chair pillow but Jeongwoo immediately said something which made him stop doing so.

"We'll watch a movie too! I heard there's something nice showing on cinemas today." Jeongwoo awkwardly smiled, staring at Haruto who went silent for a while, thinking about it.

"Uhh, well... Maybe that will work now." Haruto smiled brightly, picking up his bag as if they're gonna leave right now. "We can go to the mall's rooftop too and watch the stars in case there'll be another shooting star, right?"

Jeongwoo nodded his head. "Eh, yeah, I guess. If that's what you want. But you're forgiving me, right?"

"Who said I didn't forgive you? Just hurry up and let's go to that mall immediately! I haven't been to a mall in a few months!"

"Let's get going then..." Jeongwoo picked up his bag slowly but Haruto quickly grabbed his hand as they walked away from the studio together.

Haruto grinned at him. "You're so slow at everything you do! Do you think you're in a slowmo edit?"

"A lot of my fans do that anyways so I gotta do it so I have good quality edits—"

"Why did I even ask, you're so full of yourself!" Haruto teased him as they continued running together to the mall nearby.

They both ran away from the company, hands tightly clasping onto one another, not noticing how one of Haruto's polaroid photos had slipped and fallen from his pocket, making someone pick it up.

"I finally got the proof I needed to show those curious Jeongwoo fans..."

—🍃—Enjoy the boringness while you still can because they're probably never coming back after the next chapter :D

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Enjoy the boringness while you still can because they're probably never coming back after the next chapter :D

anti-romantic ; hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now