three: dating a twitter troll

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"I'll be heading out for the date with that so-called famous idol now, Asahi Hyung!" Haruto called out to Asahi who immediately went downstairs after hearing Haruto's voice.

"Are you seriously just wearing a plain black shirt and jeans? On your first fucking date? With the world-famous idol? Are you nuts?" Asahi exclaimed, criticizing the younger from top to bottom.

"He's the one who asked me out anyway, plus, we're just fake-dating, you know? There's really no need to dress up good for someone that won't be mine." Haruto remarked, looking at himself through his phone screen. "I look good with whatever I wear because my visual overtakes everything."

Asahi rolled his eyes as he opened Haruto's bag as if there was something he's looking for. "Did you bring your phone? You always forget it."

"That's because I don't want the landlady calling me for the rent payment. She's so annoying."

"You jackass." Asahi muttered under his breath as he took Haruto's phone from his room then placed it inside his bag. "Call me when you're done with this so-called fake dating, I'll pick you up so you don't get tired."

Haruto snatched his bag and placed it tightly next to his right side. "Alright, I heard you. I gotta go before I'm late." He held the doorknob and waved Asahi goodbye.

"Don't get too exhausted! It's your first time going out in a few months!" Asahi shouted as he watched the younger disappear through the streets. "Aish, that kid."

"Welcome to YS café! What would you like for today?" A waitress asks Haruto as soon as he enters the café place that Jeongwoo and he would meet today.

Haruto moved his head left and right to look for Jeongwoo then he asked the waitress. "Is Park Jeongwoo here? He says he's tall, handsome... Ugh, forget about it. Is he here?"

The waitress looked at him with confusion. "Why would you meet our company's pride? Did you set an appointment with him or are you, two close friends?"

"I'm actually meeting him for a date—"

"There you are." A voice speaks from the person shutting Haruto's mouth using his hands. "It's nice to meet you, Haruto."

"S-Sir Jeongwoo!" The waitress bowed down to him with respect then left with Jeongwoo's signal.

Haruto removed the person's grip from his mouth and turned around to find a boy who wasn't even that tall, maybe he was a few centimeters smaller than him. "Who the heck are you? Do you know Park Jeongwoo?"

"I'm Park Jeongwoo, delulu." Jeongwoo smiled brightly which he thought would at least attract Haruto but instead, he didn't like the smile. "You're more annoying than I thought you would be."

It's a good thing Haruto didn't hear that because he was so immersed in the entertainment café. For someone who hadn't gone out in a few months, everything looks wonderful. "You work here? And you write songs too?" He asks Jeongwoo with the brightest eyes ever.

 Jeongwoo smirked at the sudden interest of Haruto in his life. "Yeah, why? Do you think you're lucky to date someone like me? Of course, you should feel thankful—"

"That's so cool!" Haruto looked around the café even more and sat at a table next to the window where you can see the huge garden through it. "It's always been my dream to write songs and stuff!"

Jeongwoo walked over to the table Haruto chose to sit at and sat across him. "Really? Should we get to know more about each other then and how long we'll be doing this fake-dating?"

anti-romantic ; hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now