five: someone else's concerned

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"Hello, Manager Park..." Jeongwoo bows down as he sees Jihoon entering his studio. He's nervous even though he's the one who invited him here because he wants Jihoon to listen to what he had made so far, even though it isn't complete yet.

Jihoon smiled as he sat next to Jeongwoo's seat. "Go ahead, I'll listen carefully. Make sure you don't disappoint me this time, Jeonwgoo."

"Yes, sir!" Jeongwoo then placed his cursor on the play button and the song started playing.

𝅘𝅥𝅮  I don't know who loves me, and I don't care since it's a waste anyway
This romantic feeling makes me scared. 𝅘𝅥𝅮

𝅘𝅥𝅮  Bittersweet chocolate, The ending taste is always the same.
Like saddest movies, there are only tears in my eyes. 𝅘𝅥𝅮

𝅘𝅥𝅮  I know that sweet love song, those words of promises
Once you turn around, They're a stranger, that someone 𝅘𝅥𝅮

The song ended right before the chorus since Jeongwoo doesn't know what to put there yet. Some of the words he added were from Haruto's wise words so fake-dating Haruto was definitely the right choice.

"The melody isn't just amazing, the lyrics are a bop as well!" Jihoon complimented Jeongwoo for his good job after all those months he wasted on nothing. "Where'd you get your inspiration? I know you didn't experience love yourself yet so you definitely did something to write such a masterpiece."

Jeongwoo just smiled. "I don't have an inspiration. I think I just finally got the hang of it after 7 months. You know, I don't wanna repeat the same mistake."

Jihoon laughed at the younger's wise words, giving him a pat on the back. "I can already smell success through your song. Keep going, Jeongwoo!" He then stood up from his seat and left Jeongwoo's studio to give him some time to continue his solo.

"Can you believe that, Park Jeongwoo? You earned a compliment after all those shitty months!" Jeongwoo hugged himself tightly with joy.

"Jeongwoo?" Someone knocks onto Jeongwoo's studio door which made him go back to his senses.

He then saw Junkyu standing in front of his studio so he allowed him to enter the place. "Junkyu Hyung, what's up?"

"Can we talk? It's been years since we talked just like this so I wanna know how you're doing now." Junkyu sat on the seat where Jihoon sat a while ago. "I wanna know how you're dating that delusional fan."

Jeongwoo immediately got his point and turned his body towards Junkyu's direction. "Haruto? He's an amazing person. I know he started dating me for money but he really is kind and sweet."

"Really? That's how you think Haruto is? Like, aren't you scared you'll cause him a lot of damage once the fake dating is over?" Junkyu remarked, brushing his hair through his fingers. "To be honest, I don't think you know a lot about him."

"It's okay, I don't need to know a lot about him. Like you said, It's just fake dating anyways. I also told him that there will be no feelings involved so if he falls for me, that's not my problem." Jeongwoo paused, drinking the cola Haruto brought for him this morning. "But you know, it will be impossible for him to fall for me since he's an anti-romantic. A person who doesn't fall for anyone after the pain someone caused them."

"Anti-romantic? That's new to me, I don't think I've ever heard that from him before." Junkyu leaned back on his seat comfortably.

Jeongwoo raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Why is that, Hyung? Do you know him? Or like were you, two close friends, when you were younger?"

anti-romantic ; hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now