epilogue: from shooting star

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"Haruto was so happy to hear you sing the song he wrote. I've never seen anyone that happy, but at least he smiled when he left." Asahi hung his head low, dropping a small box filled with stuff gently. He was cleaning Haruto's hospital room by taking out the things he used inside the room. "I'm sorry, Jeongwoo."

Jeongwoo stood up from Haruto's bed and wandered around the room with a sad smile on his face. "It's okay, he was suffering too, I saw it by his eyes when he looks at me. He's been wanting to sleep." He then stopped by the coffee table next to the door, seeing a turquoise colored paper bag on top of it. "Asahi Hyung, I think you should put this inside those boxes too."

Asahi walked over to Jeongwoo's area and held the light paper bag, observing the things inside by shaking it, not opening it. It was only then when he realized there was a small card on the front saying To Jeongwoo. "Ah, right! Haruto wanted to give this to you a few days ago but you never came. Here, it's a gift from him."

"T-thank you." Jeongwoo held the paper bag close to him, curious of what's inside but at the same time, he didn't want to open another memory of Haruto. He's been trying to hold himself from crying ever since he left two weeks ago. "I think I should get going now, I don't want to interfere you here. It was fun, Asahi Hyung. It's also a privilege to call you Hyung now."

"Of course." Asahi waved his hands and smiled at Jeongwoo before he watched him open the sliding door, leaving through the empty white halls.

Jeongwoo spotted a small park nearby with lots of cherry blossom petals touching the moist green grass after falling from the huge trees. He went closer to the park and sat on a bench where no one could see him so that he can feel at peace.

He then removed the staples that were securing the contents of the paper bag, opening it to see what Haruto gave him. There was a small envelope and a leather box. Jeongwoo thought that the box probably had something more emotional than what's in the envelope, so he opened the envelope first and started reading a handwritten letter.

And yes, he was wrong because the letter held something more emotional and tear-jerking than what's in the box.

To My Shooting Star, Park Jeongwoo,

You're never here next to me :( It makes me sad to not see my friend that I adore the most so here I am, writing a letter even though we can just message each other.

"Hey, Delulu," Do you still remember that? I can't believe you just kept calling me a delusional fan when we first met. It's like you couldn't see the large-ass letters saying 'Watanababe' when you messaged me.

You're annoying, slow, and even selfish. You couldn't stop talking about your solo when we're together. You even had to remind me that we're just fake dating. It was like hearing the same story from your mom again and again!

Thanks to my financial problems, we met when I tweeted that delusional post since Asahi Hyung promised me money if I get noticed by you.

You were a lot different than I expected. You seemed quiet and you were so full of yourself. I thought you'd be someone who wanted to babble all day long but it seems like I'm the one who talks when we hang out. Don't worry, I like that side of you. I like you just the way you are and I wouldn't want you to change for someone.

I decided to be an anti-romantic after Junkyu hurt me during High School. Don't get mad at him, though! I thought he left me to follow his dreams and that he'd be too embarrassed to have a weak boyfriend when he's famous. But I was wrong. He cared about me the way you do. He left me because he didn't want to be a nuisance.

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