eighteen: lie

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"Finally!" Jaehyuk muttered under his breath as soon as he was in the 12th floor of the hospital, catching his breath while holding a blue bag tightly. "Why are the elevators under maintenance? They gave a worldwide rookie a hard time using the stairs!" He ranted, staring down at the journey he had to go through.

Jaehyuk then stood up properly, letting out a deep sigh as he walked to find Haruto's room. He came with a bag of home cooked meals and just himself since he doesn't want to bother Jeongwoo during his practice. Besides, even if Jaehyuk pushes him to come with him, Jeongwoo would just shake his head and find weird excuses just to not come.

It was not long until Jaehyuk found room 405, making him smile as he made his way there quicker. He was about to hold the doorknob and open the door, not until someone pulled his hand away from the room.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Jaehyuk took off the person's nasty grip from his hand as he shook off the dirt from his clothes. Once finished, he looked up to see a boy smaller than him, wearing clothes that looked like it was from the 70s.

"Don't be noisy, they'll hear you." The boy pulled Jaehyuk's body closer to his chest as they stayed hidden from the door's little window. "I expected you to be loud and noisy, that's why I blocked your ass."

Jaehyuk then turned his head around, seeing a good-looking boy named Asahi. He has never been this close with him since he always just stays back to watch him from afar. "Aren't you even gonna greet me properly? I'm supposed to give you and Haruto breakfast."

Asahi let go of Jaehyuk as he crossed his arms. "Nice to meet you, I guess. I'm just not in the mood to think about anyone else so I'm sorry if you find me rude."

"Oh, it's nothing!" Jaehyuk smiled, quickly forgiving the younger. He isn't the type to forgive really quick so you can tell that he's whipped for Asahi. "Can I come inside the room? I just wanna drop this before I get back to the entertainment." He then showed Asahi the blue bag containing rice, steak, and side dishes all for Asahi and of course, Haruto.

"No, Haruto's busy talking to Jeongwoo right now. I'm trying to figure out what they're talking about not until you came here." Asahi remarked, looking through Haruto's little door window.

Jaehyuk raised an eyebrow as he looked through the tiny window too, seeing Jeongwoo and Haruto talking about something that seemed personal. "I didn't know Jeongwoo would come here during his solo debut preparation. He should be practicing his vocals and choreography by now..."

Asahi chuckled at the elder's words. "Maybe he loves Haruto that much. I could see it through his eyes that even if he was friendzoned by Haruto, he still cares for him no matter what. I wonder if I'd find someone like that in my life too."

"You will." Jaehyuk hung his head low, blushing. "That person might be here right now, you know? Just trust what fate has for you..."

"You're loud, annoying, and cheesy... but I like that." Asahi locked eyes with Jaehyuk, smiling from ear to ear. Haruto once said Asahi never smiled just because of anyone and it seems like Jaehyuk's doing a good job making him smile.

Jaehyuk then avoided Asahi's gaze, laying his eyes through the window again. He then noticed how Jeongwoo suddenly started smiling happily. "Oh? What just happened? Why is he smiling like that when they were just talking about something gloomy and personal? I-is our Jeongwoo... going crazy?"

Asahi raised an eyebrow as he checked the window too, observing both of them. That's when he let out a light gasp, shocked of what he just saw. "Oh fuck, Haruto's doing it."

"What do you mean? How do you know what they were talking about?" Jaehyuk asked Asahi with concern for his best friend. "Is Haruto making our big bad wolf go crazy for him—"

"'So you'll really be fine, right? You'll be at my showcase once you feel better in 2 weeks, right?'" Asahi cut Jaehyuk off with the words Jeongwoo is saying. Luckily, he has grown the talent to read people's lips because whenever Haruto is asked to stay with the doctor, he figures them out with lip reading. "Gosh, Haruto. What the heck?"

Jaehyuk's mouth shaped into a small letter o, in awe of Asahi's unique talent. "That's cool, but why is Jeongwoo saying that? Did Haruto say he'll be fine in 2 weeks?"

Asahi nodded his head, about to say the words Haruto is telling Jeongwoo. "'If you work really hard for your solo, I'll feel better and happy which means the doctors will release me anytime soon!'"

"That's great! Jeongwoo has been crying day and night during practice and even before he sleeps, blaming himself for what's happening to Haruto." Jaehyuk sat on the seats next to the room. "If Haruto will really be released within 2 weeks, Jeongwoo won't have to worry anymore. He'll be able go focus on his career!"

Asahi sighed as he leaned towards the door. "I find that amazing too... I guess." He muttered in a gloomy mood, confusing Jaehyuk.

"'I guess'? Asahi, that's your best friend too! You should be happy that he's doing well. You'll be able to come home soon instead of staying at this horrid hospital." Jaehyuk exclaimed softly, only enough for the two of them to hear. "Haruto and I might not be close, but hearing him feel better makes me happy because that would make Jeongwoo a lot happier."

"I would've been happy too if only he meant it." Asahi hung his head low, starting to play with the little keychains on his bag. "Like you said, I'm Haruto's best friend. I even grew up with him. No best friend would not be happy at a situation like that."

Jaehyuk tilted his head in confusion. "So... you don't feel happy about what Haruto said because he doesn't mean it? What do you mean by that?"

Asahi looked up to Jaehyuk with tears on his eyes. "It's just that... I know he's lying. He's lying to make Jeongwoo feel happier when he couldn't even make himself feel better. He's lying because there is no way he would feel better in just a span of 2 weeks or a month, or even forever! Haruto's... lying."

I'll try to lower the angst level on the next chapter so stay tuned for a lowkey fluff chapter <3

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