Chapter 43

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How long has it been? 

How long has it been since Yeji confronted Jisu? Since Jisu bawled her eyes out, helplessly calling out to Yeji in her mind. 

How long? 

To Jisu, it was still very fresh in her mind. Like the feeling of pain that she felt, still very clear and she can even cry to it again if she wanted. 

But it's only been a week. 

Nothing much happened after, she just stayed where she thought she should be staying. Kept her distance from everyone except her friends, would contact her brother from time to time but never her parents. 

She couldn't bring herself to do so..

Why? Because Jisu's too embarrassed to tell them that they just wasted their money, Jisu wasn't even able to get Yeji back. 

That would be.. humiliating. To Jisu it was… 

But her parents would probably be more worried about her state, how she's feeling and how she's coping with it. 

She should probably tell them soon.. Because she's starting to think of other things to do, since "Coming home to Yeji" was no longer an option, she must find something she has to do here in Seoul, right?? 

She can't just laze around, cry about Yeji and lock herself up in this hotel room. 

For the past few days, Chaeryeong and the others have been visiting her. Spending time with her just to distract her from all that's happened. 

Jisu was absolutely thankful for them being by her side.. 

But of course this isn't enough for Jisu to be able to not think about Yeji entirely. She sometimes thinks about who is with Yeji during these trying times? 

Who's the person telling Yeji she's going to be alright and keeping her company? Jisu guessed Jiwon and she's probably right.. 

Though, she can't help but think.. is Jiwon enough to keep Yeji company? Enough to keep Yeji from dwelling into her deepest and saddest thoughts? 

Jisu could actually only hope. 

"... Hey, unnie." Chaeryeong greets her, sitting beside her outside, on the balcony, handing Jisu a thick blanket to keep her from freezing. 

It was a cold night in Seoul and Jisu thought it was such a nice night to .. think about her life's choices. 

Think about how she ended up here and what she did in her past life to deserve such a rollercoaster ride of a life. 

She internally chuckles at the thought. 

"Hey.." Jisu mumbled as she covered herself with the blanket that Chaeryeong gave her. 

"So.. How are you feeling? Anything new?" 

Jisu smiles. Even though Jisu wasn't around for quite some time, Chaeryeong never really changed. 

Well.. no one can really change in a few months but you get the point. Chaeryeong was still the same sweet and caring younger friend. 

".. Right now? No new things.. Well, for now. Still the same boring thing. Feeling like a pile of shit and feeling stupid for .. you know, a lot of things." She ends her sentence with a soft giggle, laughing at herself. 

Chaeryeong let out a sigh, a sigh of relief. She was quite happy to know that Jisu still shares things about herself. 

Jisu still trusts her afterall.

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