Chapter 8

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When the police arrived at the party, the fight already ended and the people who caused it already fled the scene.

Yeji laughs at this, thinking that it sounded so ridiculous. It's as if a murder happened in the darn party. She doesn't even know who called the cops, they were teenagers and college students, let them resolve their own bullshit without bringing in people who can put them in jail!

She only found out about this when someone from the party, specifically, Lee Minho, one of Hyunjin's best friends called Yeji when they arrived at home, reporting all the things that happened after they left like a news reporter.

"The hell? Are the cops still there?" Hyunjin asks, they put the phone on speaker. Yeji elbows him, "Stop moving."

Hyunjin only rolled his eyes as Yeji cleaned the cut on his arm. "No, they left. But everyone panicked, which was stupid, to be honest. We didn't do anything wrong. Obviously, it was only you who did something wrong."

"Oh, fuck you, Minho." Hyunjin playfully scoffs as they hear Minho laughing on the other line. "Anyway, I'll hang up now. I got a party to dance in."

Minho was obviously trying to tease Hyunjin for going home early. They were party animals at this point, they're always at someone's party every week and it's become a routine for Hyunjin.

Well, not for Yeji though. She'd rather stay at home, but she does like going in parties and having the time of her life sometimes.

"Done. Don't pill that off or else it'll get infected." Yeji picks up all the bandages and cottons scattered on Hyunjin's coffee table, putting it all back to where she found them.

"Hey, hey. You didn't clean my face." Hyunjin pointed at his face, his lip was busted just like Yeji's. But his face looked much worse.

Some bruises here and there and some cuts on his cheeks. "Clean it on your own, I haven't even cleaned my face yet." Yeji pats his arm before standing up from her seat to go wash her hands on the sink.

"You know that I didn't start that fight, right?" Hyunjin spoke as he lay down on his couch, looking up at the ceiling.

He hears the faucet turn on as he waits for Yeji's reply. "Depends, who hit first?"

Hyunjin stares at his ceiling a little longer before turning his head to the side, "Me."


The faucet turns off, the sound of the water flowing now stops. Yeji walks out of the kitchen while wiping her hands with a towel that Hyunjin assumes that Yeji just found laying around.

"What do you mean why?" He frowns as Yeji approaches him, taking a seat just above his head. "Why'd you hit him?"

Hyunjin chuckles, "Simple! Because he was being a huge dick about a lot of shit."

Yeji didn't seem fazed by this. She expected Soobin to act like that towards Hyunjin. Of course he would.

She knows he doesn't mean to act like a jerk, not when Jisu is around. It's just that, Hyunjin strongly shows how much he hates the guy.

Yeji doesn't even know why Jisu is letting such a guy court her. The fact that this dude willingly injured Yeji is a big red flag.

Yet, Yeji doesn't know why Jisu still lets him continue his courting. "Oh, he's always been like that, Hyun." Yeji throws her head back, loving the feeling of just resting on Hyunjin's couch.

"No, like, seriously. He was so ready to put me down." Hyunjin abruptly sits up on the couch and looks at Yeji straight in the eyes.

"Why did you two even fight?" She was genuinely curious, Hyunjin would never suddenly be in a fight unless there's a reasonable explanation.

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