Chapter 2, Stress

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You know there's those times when you feel like your life is hanging on a thread? This was one of them.

It's Wednesday morning and I felt like a zombie. Between studying and taking care of the twins, I had gotten very little sleep these past two nights.

It had probably been around 4 hours total. All in all, I was exhausted. To top it all off, the twins were being particularly  fussy today.

During most of my classes I had gotten sent out of the room by the teachers. There was only one teacher that was willing to hold one of the twins while I held the other.

I didn't even to get to eat my lunch. They both went back and forth, one crying when the other wasn't. MJ wasn't even here.

I'm guessing that her two guy friends must've come back to school. I was kinda the backup friend but I didn't really care most of the time.

After lunch the twins finally fell asleep and stayed like that for the rest of school.

As I walked out of my final class I sighed in relief. But then I remembered. The contest.

I quickly went to my locker and dropped off the few things I had. Thankfully the twins hadn't woken up. Once I arrived outside I hurried to where I saw the people gathering.

On my way through the crowd I heard smatterings of conversation.

"Starks going to be here."

"They're going to present the award."

"All the avengers-."

"It's in the activity sheet, I'm not lying."

I was mentally freaking out. All the avengers, here. To present the award! Even if I didn't win I'd still get to see them.

Once I arrived at the sign up table I quickly scrawl my name and age down.

'Eclipse Power Time. Age 16.'

I knew it was a strange name but it's the one my mom gave me. The person at the desk gave me a paper to pin on my shirt. 'Contestant #30.'

Thirty people, and there were still more signing up. Over to the left of the crowd I spot MJ. I push my way over to her, making sure to protect my sisters, and call, "MJ!"

She looks directly at me almost instantly.

"Hi." She says once I get close enough.

"Um-. MJ?"


"Could you uh- babysitoneofthetwins,unlessyouredoingthecontestalso?" I blurt, hoping that she says yes.

"Yeah, I'm not doing the contest anyways."

"Oh thank goodness. She should stay asleep but if not then just come over and get me." I sigh in relief.

It takes around five minutes to get the older twin strapped around MJ, but we get it done. Just then the principal Starks speaking into the microphone.

"Today's contest is sponsored by Tony Stark himself. Him and the other avengers will be coming later to present the award. The prizes are as follows.

First place: An internship at Stark Industries and a half scholarship to the collage of your choice.

Second place: $22,222 scholarship to the collage of your choice.

Third place: $11,111 scholarship to the collage of your choice."

He chuckles, "Don't ask me why it's those specific numbers because I don't know. Everyone else will get a tour of Stark Industries."

He turns the page and I glance over to where MJ is, double checking that my baby sister is doing fine.

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