Chapter 20

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*Hara's pov*

I sat in my chair comfortably. My husband out chopping wood. Hopefully only wood. Those animals don't deserve this. I sip my tea I made for myself. Our little house here is just perfect. So nice. I softly touched my round stomach. Give it time... She'll come out when she's ready. Our little dog laid on the floor tiredly. He just finished chasing that godforsaken rat around. Always eating our food that rodent. It erks me greatly knowing it still lives. Maybe I'll make my husband use his hunting skills and kill the rodent himself.

A knocking came to the door. "Dear?" I called out. I don't hear any response from him. I still hear slicing from his chopping but that's it. No verbal response. I groan and stand up. Making a pregnant lady do all the work for them. I opened the door. There before me stood my sister. The new queen. "Your majesty." I teased. She chuckled and swatted my shoulder. "Stop." She groaned. "How's everything been?" I ask her. She quirks an eyebrow. "I'm here to ask about you genius." I laugh and let her in. Soon two others follow. Her daughter and son. Three guards stood outside. I shook my head. Not used to all the guards and all that.

I closed the door and sat down on my special chair while the other three sat on the couch and floor. "Want some toys Zachary?" The four year old boy looked at me with such admiration. He yelled happily and clapped his hands. I got up to get the toys but my sister held her hand out stopping me. "No. Let Yura get them." Yura smiled and stood up. She turned and walked away. She opened a closet and brought toys over for her little brother. She put the toys down on the floor and sat down next to her mother again. Her daughter and herself look so similar but some similarities come from her father. The white sploch of hair and the red eye. Those come from her father.

"So how's the king?" I ask. My sister frowns deeply. "Horribly. One of these days he will get what he deserves." She says. That cheating bastard always going out for women and hurting his people so much. He will get what he deserves sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. He did meet me once. Once he tried taking me to bed and once he tried to execute me. My sis was not happy about that. Neither my husband. "So how has she been?" We all assume it's a girl. A mother's intuition you know? "She's been doing fine. Quite energetic actually." My sister giggled. "I bet she'll be beautiful. With the golden hair." I rolled my eyes. "Only our great grandmother had that gene and the only one. I doubt it." Like I said only she had the golden hair. My sister and I have purple hair. Mine brighter than hers though.

"I'm still sorry about what he did to you and your special parts." I looked down. I had animal parts but the king carved them off from me. It hurt so bad. She tried to heal me as much as possible but it still doesn't bring them back. I was a lions child. Now I am mostly human. Just the sharp teeth. I pat my stomach. This child will suffer if we remain here. As if reading my mind my sister pats my shoulder. "I will help as much as possible." I smiled at her and gripped her hand. Soon the door opened. In came my husband. He was a human male that came here through a smuggling ship. My sister let him live and we fell in love from there.

He left to our room to clean up. "He hasn't caused any trouble yet?" I shook my head. "No. Although his hunting is making me very annoyed." She nodded. "But it is necessary." I rolled my eyes. Not completely. He'll make all the animals go instinct if it's necessary. I sipped some more of my tea. "Oh! I got something!" I turn to her and sat my cup down. She pulled out a box. I took it and opened it. I opened my mouth a bit in shock and happiness. I smiled at her. Inside was a stuffed bunny. So cute and fluffy. I pulled it out. "Did you sew this yourself?" She nodded. "Not bad yeah?" I nodded.

"Your daughter will love it." I nodded once again and paid it against my belly. "Do you feel it baby? Your auntie made it just for you." I felt a kick. I giggled. "She likes it." My sister laughed happily. "I bet she does." Yura watched in awe. She loved children. Ever since her brother was born she became affectionate towards smaller children. Looking at Zachary you can definitely see his father in him. He probably has half brothers and sisters somewhere in the town but we'll deal with that later. Zachary has pure white hair with purple eyes faded to red. His skin is tanned though. He looked really happy unknowing of just how horrible his father really is.

"I think you should stay hidden for a few weeks." My sister told me. "Why?" I looked at her confused. "Because." She looked directly at my face. She gripped my arm. "I'm going to deal with that husband of mine." I paled a bit. That was dangerous. If she died I wouldn't want her children left with that man. "Be safe." I tell her. She nods and stands up. "I think it's time for me to go." I nod. Yura picks up Zachary. Once they walk outside my sister and her daughter sprout large wings. My sister's wings are dark purple while her daughters is purple and white on one wing while the other is purple and black. They lifted their wings and took off. The guards following with large birds.

I walked back inside my house and sighed. Everything is going to be so hard these next few weeks. I laid in my bed with my husband behind me. "Lionus. What will happen if the king hunts us down?" He gripped me tighter around my waist. Careful of my stomach. "I will not let him touch you." I smiled a bit and hummed. "Our baby will be safe and beautiful." I smiled more. "We will be there to protect her." He nods humming. He kisses the back of my neck. "I love you darling." I giggled from the kisses and hummed. "I love you too." We closed our eyes and fell asleep.

*Time skip*

I was awoken by something. What was I awoken by? I was so tired I don't even realize what woke me up. Suddenly I found out what woke me up. A pain in my stomach. I curled up whining in pain. Probably just a contraction. I've been having those a lot. Then there's the wetness. Okay, not a normal contraction. I turned around to see Lionus out cold. I whined more. Growling evident in my throat. Even though my animal parts are gone I still have it in my blood. I squeaked and whined. I sounded like a newborn pup or something. I shook his arm after he slept through my cries. He just grunted. "Go back to sleep love." He turned back around. How rude!

I started crying because it hurt a lot. "Baby. Please." He grunted again. Thinking I was just craving something. "Baby." He grunted again. Showing he's listening by tilting his head to me slightly. "She's coming." He quickly sits up and turns on a lamp. He sees liquid in between my legs and freaks. He props me into his arms and runs out. While getting me on a horse because this is the outdoors. Ain't no cars getting to us. We made it that way so we'd be more safe. He ride it as far as he could to the hospital. He carried me inside screaming for a nurse.

Women and men surrounded me and carried me to a special room. They new my status as being the queens sister and wanted to make it best for me. I screamed once I felt the pain hit hard.

*Time skip*

I sobbed hard. I finally gave my last push. I cried in relief when I was told it was over. I looked over seeing a baby in the doctors hands. They weren't crying or making any noise at all. Oh no... Please. Please not my baby. I cried as I stared at the newborn child. "Please my child. Hear me. Come to us. Move and breathe." I called out with my animal call which are squeaks and purrs. Finally after minutes of dead silence from the child it coughs for air and cries. Color returning to it's skin. We all take a sigh of relief. The doctor rocks her and cleans her. After that he puts her in a blanket and hands her to me. "Congratulations. It's a girl." I knew it. I was right. Ha! In your face Lionus! I sniffled seeing her crying face. She looked so beautiful.

Soon the door slammed open and in came my sister and her daughter. Also who came in was some if my friends. They all sighed in relief as they saw my baby. " I told you." My sister sat beside me. After putting a glove on, she softly rubbed her hand over my child's head. Now seeing what she was talking about. A tuff of blonde hair sat on her head. I smiled. "She must be very special." I cooed at her. She softly stopped crying. She then slightly opened her eyes. Her eyes blinking slightly. She squints from the light but you can see her eye color. It's so beautiful. She's very special indeed. "Of course she is. She's our daughter." Lionus told me as he hugged me. I cried out happily and laughed. "Our baby is finally here. Thank you so much." I cried to the heavens.

Lionus let go of me as Yura pipped up. "What's her name?" She had asked. I hummed a bit. Softly petting my daughter's head. She smiled a bit. Her smile was so beautiful. Her cheeks a rosy red. She was such a jewel. I snuggled her closely as she closed her eyes. "Valhalla. Her name will be Valhalla." Everyone cheered at the name.

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