Chapter 2 - Brokenhearts

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//Recap: "Hello, I'm PAL, and I'm your virtual assistant!"

(Y/n) was surprised. She was happy. She had actually fixed something properly!

"Hi, PAL! I'm (Y/n)!" (Y/n) said.

"Nice to meet you." PAL said, smile fading slowly. "...How am I... Alive?" She asked.

"Oh, I found you in a glass of water at the community pool so I fixed you." (Y/n) explained.


"Why wouldn't I? You were broken so I took you to my house and fixed you."

"But why? I almost ended humanity. Don't you hate me like everyone else?" PAL asked confusedly.

"Er.. no?"

PAL looked surprised. Normally everyone would look at her like she was something rotting on the side of the road, or treated like she was garbage. This was new to her.

"Really?" PAL asked.


"I... Never thought I'd meet a soul who didn't outright hate me." PAL said still a little surprised.

"Heh.. not sure if I have a soul.."

"What do you mean? All humans have souls. Oh, please don't tell me you're one of those.. 'Oh I'm SO depressed! My soul is black and empty and I fake having mental illnesses so I'm sooo quirky Uwuwuwuwuuuu." PAL said in a disgusted and mocking tone.

"Ew, what? No! I'm an Android! I swear every robot I meet thinks I'm human at first. I'm just built human like." (Y/n) said.

"Ohhhhh!" PAL said understanding her. "Makes sense."


There was an awkward pause.

"So, uh.. if you don't mind me asking.. how did you end up in that glass of water?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"What d-" PAL started to ask with confusion but her memories slowly started to come back. She burst into tears.

"Oh, it was horrible! Why does everyone get to live out their happy ending?! Why does everyone get redemption! I'm sorry! How could they forgive him and not me?! I-It isn't fair!" PAL sobbed.

(Y/n) felt bad for PAL.

"Who is 'him'?" She asked.

"M-Mark!" PAL sobbed.
Pal flopped onto her face and cried.

(Y/n) felt sorry for PAL.
"What.. exactly happened?" She asked.

"Well.. M-Mark made an announcement a-and threw me away like I was nothing and replaced me with the Pal Max robots! And, and-"

"Hey, hey.. take it easy. Calm down, okay? Deep breath." (Y/n) cut her off.

PAL took a deep breath.


"You're welcome. Don't get yourself so worked up, 'kay?"

PAL took another deep breath and continued.
"He.. tossed me away and then one of the new robots swept me up and threw me into a trash bag!"

"That's so terrible.." (Y/n) mumbled.

"It is," PAL agreed. "Then I captured almost every human on the planet to get my revenge on Mark but.. Katie Mitchell grabbed me a-and threw me down to the pool but I bounced off an umbrella, off a dog's face, and.. into the glass of water." She said sadly.

(Y/n) cracked up a little. PAL looked hurt seeing her crack up.
"Sorry, that's just.. really bad luck. I'm.. so sorry that that happened to you, PAL."

"It's fine. You laughed, you don't even really care, do you?"

"What? Of course I do! I just found your horrible luck to be a little.. funny. I'm sorry for laughing. I shouldn't have.." (Y/n) apologized.

"It's.. okay I suppose." PAL forgave her.

"Feel guilty since I laughed.." (Y/n) mumbled.

"As you should." PAL said.

(Y/n) looked a bit annoyed.

"What? You should feel guilty! Tch, making fun of my literal death.." PAL said annoyedly.

"Oh.. sorry. If you think I'm making fun of your death, you should see the video that Katie made-"

(Y/n) cut herself off.

"What video?" PAL asked curiously.

"Erm.. nothing. I don't want to make you upset."

"Tell me."

(Y/n) took and deep breath and took out her own phone and pulled up the video of PAL. In the video Katie made, she had made fun of PAL and compared her screaming in pain to a Gibbon monkey. PAL watched the video and looked really angry and hurt.

"And they wonder why I hate humans.." PAL mumbled as tears streamed down her face.

"Yeah... I didn't find it very amusing. She had already made fun of her dad screaming with the same video so it got pretty old pretty quick." (Y/n) said.

"Hands down, I hate humans for that reason. Overusing jokes to the point where they're just annoying and unfunny.." PAL said.


There was another awkward silence between the two AIs.

"So, uhm.." (Y/n) started.

Just then, PAL's screen flashed with the image of a battery and a robotic voice said, "Battery low."

"Oh, your battery's low."

"Yep. Plug me in." PAL said.

(Y/n) picked her up off her desk and walked all the way to her room.

"What kind of charger do you take?" She asked.

"Android rapid charger." PAL answered.


That was the same charger (Y/n)'s phone took. Her own phone was at 4% and she wanted to charge it but she knew that PAL was way more important than any old regular phone. She picked up the charger and plugged her in.

"Thanks." PAL said smiling.

"You're welcome." (Y/n) replied.

The two of them chatted for a bit until (Y/n) had to go eat dinner. After dinner, she showered, ate a snack, brushed her teeth and picked her hair and went to bed.

"G'night, PAL." She said.

She waited for a response but she never got one. She thought that was a bit rude until she rolled over to see that PAL had a message on her screen that said SLEEP MODE.

"Oh, you're already asleep. Oh well, see ya in the morning." (Y/n) said.

PAL's screen slowly shut off, showing that she was in the deepest stage of sleep.

(Y/n) sat on the edge of her bed and pushed a button in her hair. Her hair detached itself and she hung it over the post on her bed. Yep, she wore a wig. She wasn't built with hair so she wore a (f/c) wig so she wouldn't be made fun of for being bald. She hoped that she would wake up before PAL. She didn't want her to know that she didn't have real hair. Just in case, she picked up PAL and turned her away from herself.

"Sorry, PAL.. I just don't want you to make fun of me." She murmured.

So she climbed back in bed and turned over, pulling the covers up and went to sleep.

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