Chapter 4 - Intrest

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(Y/n) was running as fast as she could but kept slipping with every step she took. She could hear the angry and hurtful words her original "parents" were screaming at each other and at her. She kept running but was grabbed by a massive hand and slammed into a wall.




Voices flooded her head as she screamed, "STOP! GET OUT!"
Then she suddenly fell through the wall and just kept falling into a void of nothingness. It was like she was falling through the bright blue sky but there was no ground. As she thought about hitting the ground, she screamed as she finally saw the pit of flames awaiting below her.


She awoke, screaming in her sleep and covered in cold sweat. She was panting, calming down.
It was just a dream, it was just a dream. She thought over and over.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" A British female voice asked.

(Y/n) recognized it as PAL, a bit of heat rising to her cheeks.
Ew.. my face is warm and sweating at the same time.... Weird. She thought as she cupped her own cheek.
"Yeah.. I'm good." She mumbled.

"Why were you screaming? I thought something was seriously wrong!" PAL said.

"Had a nightmare.." (Y/n) said.

"About what exactly?" PAL asked.

"Well.. I don't want to go into a whole lot of detail but.. part of it was a bunch of bad memories from my original parents screaming at me and then I just started falling though the sky. It was like there was no ground... But just as I wondered if I was gonna hit something, I saw a pit of flames below me and I.. woke up right as I was about to fall into them. That's why I was screaming; an immense amount of fear to the point your brain wakes you up." (Y/n) explained.

"Ah, makes sense. I can imagine that must've been horrifying." PAL said.

"Yeah." (Y/n) murmured.
She yawned, stretching her arms.
"I think I'm gonna try and go back to sleep." She mumbled.

"Me too." PAL said.

"G'night." (Y/n) smiled.

"Goodnight! Oh, and could you please get me a pillow as a bed? I don't like sleeping on hard surfaces." PAL mentioned.

"Of course!" (Y/n) said.
She sat up and looked around her room for a small pillow. She didn't see one so she picked up a blanket she never used and folded it, walking over to PAL and setting it beneath her.

"Ah, thank you." PAL said as she relaxed.

"You're welcome." (Y/n) smiled.
(Y/n) didn't worry about PAL seeing her without her wig on since it was so dark in the room. She climbed back onto her bed and pulled the covers over her, thinking about something.
What if dreams are just us visiting our alternate selves? Wait.. but if dreams are another realm.. what if our reality as we know it is actually a dream? What if someone is spectating us all right now? Wait.. what if we're in a TV show and we're all the side and background characters? What if all the famous people in the world are the main characters of the show? She thought.
Yup, this is how I know it's time to go back to sleep.
And so (Y/n) fell asleep a few seconds later.
~ ♥ |ツ| ♥ ~

(^^toooootally not supposed to be PAL. Shut up.)

(Y/n) awoke around six A.M., unable to go back to sleep. PAL was still asleep so she quickly attached her wig to herself. Phew, good thing she didn't have to turn PAL away again. PAL was pretty stern and scary sometimes.
(Y/n) got up and got dressed, brushing her teeth and picking her hair with a hair pick. Once she was done, she came back to her room and sat on the edge of her bed, waiting for PAL to wake up. But then.. she thought about something.

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