2: First Day

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Recap: I came from being a Queen at the age of 16 to a 13 year old Ninja-in-training. A portal took me from my castle and placed me to the world of 'Naruto'. My little @! and I used to watch this all the time. The Hokage gave me the okay to live in the village. So now I'm stuck here until I have my dream powers back.

Now; Chapter/Episode #2: My First Day

I woke up from a dream of purple clouds. Yay, a cloud dream that probably means that I'll mean a mentor figure and meet positive people. Like some of the main characters, Naruto, Sakura and maybe kiba. I get up and change into some spare clothes that surprisingly fit me. (Outfit #12)

 (Outfit #12)

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I head out and soon just find the academy right down the street

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I head out and soon just find the academy right down the street. I walk over there and soon find my class.

And there he is Iruka-sensei.

He looks at me and gives me a small smile. I give one back, "okay class today we have a new student. Please welcome her." He said and everyone looks at me. "Hi! My name is Harley Daniels Lauren. I hope all of us can be friends." I say giving them my biggest smile. Some people start to put on sunglasses. Iruka then has me sit next to ...

The shy girl.


Okay I can deal with it, a cute shy girl. I sit next to her and give her a small smile. 'okay, so it's apparently probably a few weeks or day before Naruto paints the faces on the Mountain.' I think. I listen to the teach and take mental notes. Soon class is over. 'man classes here are so much easier then where I'm from. Srew my world! This one's better. With out all the deaths and everything.' I think. I then notice that ... Uh no. Sakura and Ino. "Hey Harley right?" Sakura asked. "Yep! And you two are?" I ask acting like I don't know them. "I'm Sakura and I just wanted to ask, do you find anybody here you-know, cute?" She asked. "Umm, crush cute or just cute in general?" I know what this is. I read some fanfiction of these types of stuff. "Crush cute. Oh and I'm Ino" she says. "Umm, I've only been here for a day and I can already tell you two have the same crush and are trying to find out if I like the same person. And too your question, no not yet." I answered. "Oh my kami, your an innocent." Sakura and Ino say in udasin.

I cock my head to the side in confusion. Soon we're dismissed from class. "And class remember graduation is at the end of the month. Harley stay back please" Iruka-sensei say. I stay back. "As I said before, graduation is at the end of the month. I wanted to know if you think you will catch up in time?" He asked. "Maybe, I know I can catch up with the basics, but with the more adviced Justus I'm not sure." I say to answer his question. He nods. "Well let me give you a tip. Train hard but remember to take care of yourself." He said. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" I say leaving the classroom. I go back to my liveable apartment. I change into a baggy pair of white clothes. I lay down and go to sleep, trying to contact anyone in my Kingdom.

I need to know there safe.

DreamQueen's Adventure In Naruto {Disconnect} Where stories live. Discover now