8: The Sand Siblings

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•°•√My Pov√°•°

I woke up from my talk with the tailed beast. I got up and changed into some random clothes. I wanted to change my hair from its ponytail. So I took it out and did a french braid. I went to the hokages office, "Morning Grandpa Hiruzen." I said to him. He smiled at me. "Morning Harley. What can I do for you?" He asked. "I'm just here to see if there's any missions for me. Please no cats." I said. He looked through some documents and found one. "How about helping Ino's family's flower shop?" "Thank you! Have a nice day." I said leaving.

I made my way to Inos family. "Hi Mr and Mrs. Yamanaka. I'll here help help around the shop." I said. They gave me soft smiles. I began with some simple things like sweeping, taking inventory and stocking up the flowers.

It was late afternoon when the yamanakas said I was done for the day. So I went to Grandpa Hiruzen to report. After that it was a safe trip home. But then I say them. FINALLY! "Hey! When did you guys get back?" I said to them.

"Harley! We got back today! It was so awesome you better BELIEVE IT!" Naruto said. Sakura hugged him and I hugged back. Kakashi then says that he signs us four up for the chunin exams. "Kakashi-sensei! You rock!" Naruto said hugging him "don't slubber on my vest." Kakashi says. "But due too having four members one of you will have to take the exams alone." They all looked at me. "I'll do it. When you were gone I did do some research on my clan and I've been working on their jutsu." I say.

Now me, sukura and Naruto are walking to the building. Sasuke went off. When a square rock come on. Oh come on, things lead to another. Wait Kankuro and Temari, I was about to break up the fight was Sukura did it, konohamaru ran into Kankuro. "Hey you brat!" He said.

He grabbed konohamaru by his coller and raise him. They when on while I took out and begane to sketch them. A rock broke me out of my drawing state. Konohamaru fell to the ground but I caught him with a soft wind. And set him near me. He hugged him. I hugged him back to comfort him as kankuro was scaring him. I look up and see Sasuke. "Your a long way from home and way out of your league." He said.

He took off the thing on his back "Your going to use the crow?! He could show up!" Temari said. He didn't listen. One thing I hated about the sand siblings, is that that were afraid of Gaara and they believed their fathers lies.

"Kankuro" I voice said. I looked at him, Shukaku's holder, Gaara of the Sand. "Your setting a bad view of our village." He said. He used his sand to stand next to his sibling. "Your here for the Chinin Exams, right?" I asked. "Yes course, glad someone isn't living under a rock." Temari said. They walk away.

"Wait!" Sasuke says. "What's your name?" He asked. "The one with the guord on his back." "Gaara of the Sand. I'm interested in you too along the that girl covering her eye" Crap! "Sasuke Uchiha". I simple take off walking on the fence. "Your name." Gaara said looking at me. "You'll find out. Now just be glad I don't tell the hokage what the puppet boy did to his grandson." I said walking away with konohamaru on my back.

I walk to the third floor. And no one here except for me. I see Kakashi-sensei. "Your here. Good where's everyone else?" He asked. "The second floor. They felt for a simple trick probably getting into small trouble already" I said. He let him in the room and I just sat in a corner sketching.

I felt a chakra level and knew it was him. "You need something, Gaara?" "You knew it was me. I'm impressed." He said. "I'm not scared of you." I say not looking at him. "Why?" He asked. "Cause your nothing to fear." I say. By sketch book is snatched away from me. "Hey!" I say trying to reach it. Damn it kankuro. "Let's see what your drawing. Hey! It us, temari look at what this chick drew." He saids showing it to temari. Okay, that's it. I use a single hand signs and they freeze up. I grab my sketch book and undo it. I walk away from them and the others start to show.

This is it. The start of the sound and sand's attack. And the Chinin Exams.

"They better be ready cause we'll show everyone here the true power of the Yume Dreamer Clan."

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