7: Old Friends ....

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•°• My pov°•°

I'm in my mind scape. But it's different, "Hello?" My voice echos. "Queen Harley?" I heard a familiar male voice. I turn around and see him. Silver white hair, Ice-blue eyes, pale skin, and Pitch white fox ears and two tails. "ALDO!" I hug him tight. He hugs me back. Aldo is my ambassador, and one of my closest friends in Dreamland. When we first met, he was stuck in his fox form because of Malavor. We break the hug, "Your alright?! Your not hurt?" He said checking to see if a had any NEW scars. "Aldo I'm fine. I'm just not in Dreamland. I'm in the 'Naruto Ninja World'" I explain to him. "And I've been here for about 2 months now." I say. "Hey Fox! Hands off!"  No way. "Luna!" I say jumping into her arms. She hugs me back. A beeping noice is sounding off. "No please! Not now!" I say not wanting to wake up. "It's okay we are here for you. Always, we're in your head remember that. Everyone you love is in your heart." Luna says.

I jump awake, panting out of breath. I get up and drink a cup of water. "My people. Luna and Aldo. Those two were my closest friends there. ... I need to return soon because if I don't, there'll be another great evil to take down." I think. I place the glass inside down letting the water go down and hit the towel I use for drying my dishes.

I change into I red sun dress with black leggings. Also a cloak that shows my shoulders.

I go out into my training grounds

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I go out into my training grounds. I needed to clear my head, from that dream or vision. It's pretty big so it will be easier to someone other things. It's like one of 'my' world's basketball field.

(Doesn't have a green fence around it

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(Doesn't have a green fence around it. It's a plain white wooden fence.)
i entered. I had an idea in my head. I walked into the middle of it and focused my charka. I did some hand signs, ended with the tiger sign. "Fire style; Violet flame jitsu!" I blew out some breath and Violet fire came out. I did this I couple of times before stoping.

I took some targets and set them up, took out some kunai knifes. I started to do some target practice, I never missed. Sometimes I hated being so good at these things. Everything I did was so natural, it's like I was born to be a Shinobi. Everything these ninja had I could do. I never failed at everything magicy, Spiritual, or ninja.

I stopped throwing the Kunai knifes as I felt someone or something watching me. I closed my eyes and Slow my breathing. I then throw the kunai straight where I sensed the person. "Hey!" I heard a familiar voice say. I open my eyes and see ...

Tenten, Neji And Lee?!

"Wait that was you who was spying on me?!" I say. They walk into the clearing, and the person who got hit was Neji. "Yea, that was us. Its been awhile." Tenten said. Neji took the kunai off of his headband and threw it at me, I actually caught it. "Orders from the hokage. He told us to check on you." Neji said.

I invited them inside. "So the rumors of you being a yume clan member are true." Tenten said. I nodded and lead them to a living area. "So what have you learned so far?" Lee asked. "Well, other then I'm like someone I know who never fails at most things in life. AND! That my clan summons magical/mythical animals. Nothing really." I say. I light the fireplace and go into the kitchen. I made some coco, it's quick and easy. Before bringing the cups out I put something it their drinks.

I set the cups down and they take them. "Harley, it's is really good what is it?" Tenten asked. "It's called hot coco." I answer sweetly. I really don't like being mean. "You know lady Hinata talks about you." Neji saids. I perk up my eyebrow, "says your really good at everything that comes to you." I can see his anger raising up. "Well I may be good at thing that come my way, but there are something's I'm not good at." I say. Oh no, sad moment. "What do you mean Harley as far as we know from the other sensei's your one of the best Shinobi they've ever met." Lee says. "Yea, being a Shinobi come natural to me but when it come to making friends or socializing, not so much." They turn their heads to me.

"Growing up, kids my age didn't like me. I was friendless growing up, so my family were my friends. But when I was 8 years oldq ... I was taken away by some people. The couple I was put into wasn't what they seem to the outside. So growing up was depressing for me. With no one to care for me, I was an outcast." I explain.

"But you always seem so happy?" Lee saids but it more like a question. "I'm happy now because after awhile there. Some Peter pan saved me." I said. I know they probably don't know who Peter pan is. "Lady Hinata said you like to play music and there a paino over there.  So why don't you play something"  Neji suggest. I put my cup down and immediately know know what song I'm going to play.

My figures stop moving to the music. They start to softly clap. I smile, "You know there always something about music that takes me to a happy place." I say.

We talk for a bit but I ended up falling asleep. Well 3/4 of a way, I feel someone pick me up and they take me to a room. They lay me down on something soft. Probably a bed, I hear a faint "Sweet dreams" and then I drift off into my dreams.

Here again. I see Magenta and her siblings again. "Hey, how are you doing?" I ask them. "Bored." Magenta said. I then remember I can do something. I lift one of my feet and press the tip of it on the floor. Now we're in a room, with fluffy giant beds one for each of them. And something for each of them to do. "Y-your giving this to us?" Isobo asked. I nodded, "Why?" Kurama said. "I just wanted to be your friend. I'm already friends with Magenta so I wanted to be friends with her family too" I say. Magenta lays down and pulls me close to her. Soon all of us start to talk. We became friends. "Hey Shukaku?" "Yes girly?" "One- how Gaara doing? Two- How are you here if he never sleeps?" I ask. He looks at me. "I'm from a different world remember, I know things that will happen. And I know each of your host" "Gaara is fine. And I'm here because he's actually sleeping now. By you bringing back our big sister, my host can sleep somewhat normally now." Shukaku answered. But the ringing said for me to wake up. I said my goodbyes and woke up.

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