4: Bell test 🔔 and My clan?

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Then: It was Graduation, I passed and had a talk with Naruto. I then play my violin and create my first batch of 'Dream X Charms'. I finally got a hold of someone from my kingdom. But she was my dream fox spirit. Magenta. She explains that she's related to the tailed-beast of this dimension.


I'm sitting around the classroom for the last time. Shikamaru aka pineapple head said "what are you doing here? This isn't a place for drop outs." "You see this headband here? I'm a ninja now, believe it!" Naruto said. Iruka-sensei walked into and started to assign the teams. I'm not going to lie, I may have used a small amount of my newly 10% of my 'Dream X' powers to get me on Naruto's team. "Team 7, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. Be cause it was a request from your sensei Harley your on there team as well!" I'm shocked. Kakashi reguest me to be one of his students.

"Iruka-sensei why does a great ninja like me have to be on the same teem as Sasuke?!" Naruto said pointing a finger at Sasuke. More like waving his finger at him. "Well Naruto, Sasuke had the best scores and you had the worst. So to create the balance in teams we paired the best with the worst." He explains.

Now we're waiting for our sensei. "Hey Harley, who do you think is our sensei? You had to have met him/her to have them request you." Sakura asked me. "Well, the only juinin that I've met was -" "Screw waiting around!" Naruto said and set up a simple prank.

'Magenta? When kurama was his age did he do this type of stuff?' I mentally ask her.

'Yep! He's part fox and we're are pranksters. Plus you know I'm the Oldest right?' she replied.

Then the door opened and he fell for the prank. "And my first impression is ... I hate you." Kakashi said.

He then looks at me. "Except this one" he ruffes my head. I giggled. "Why the favoritism?!" Naruto and Sakura yell. "Cause I actually met her before and she's a very sweet lady." Kakashi explains.

It's true, by helping out around the village I met some of the cumins and about ranks. They normally thank me for helping around doing the D-rank missions but I should wait until a little lounger until I properly become a ninja.

The trio looks at me and signs in agreement. Even the normally emotionless Sasuke Uchiha. "Now then, let's get to one of the training grounds." He says.

We made it to the training grounds "before we go on, introduce yourself. Say your name, likes and dislikes, dreams or goals for the future." He said. Sakura suggested that since hes our sensei he should go first. All he did was say his name.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen and comparing different types also, my dislikes are well people who don't like ramen. And my dream is to be Hokage, and you better Believe It!"

"I'm Sakura Haruno, my likes .... I mean the person ...." She giggles. "Sakura would you like me to translate?" "Please". "She's Sakura she likes studying different types of jitsus. And her dream is to be a top medical ninja" "Thanks Harley-cun" "It's no big deal".

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't particularly like anything. My dislikes are my older brother. My dream is to kill him and restore my clan."

Now my turn "well I'm Harley Daniels Lauren. My likes are Training, sketching and singing. My dislikes are bullies and people who pick on others just because they're weaker then them. My dream? Well it's to protect all thoughts who are dear to me."

After that Kakashi explain the bell test and when he said "Go!" All of us took to the trees.

•°•Time Skip°•°

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