11: Wilson The Earth

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•°• mine•°•

A few days has passed and now me and the rest of team 7 are waiting. The last person for our exam is asking for those to drop out. I raise my hand which shocks a few people. "Harley?" Naruto asked with worry. "Sorry but I don't think I can fight with my wounds still healing." I say. A few others drop out and leave. I'm about to leave when I turn to my team "Who your against beat them for me, Kay." I say walking out.

I walk to my compound and go to my room and take out the scroll about my clans summonings. I read it again checking every word.

The Yume clan can summon mythical and legendary creatures. Outside of the clan they seem like normal creatures, but to yume clan eyes they are magical creatures.

List Of Creatures at are normally summoned

Kitsunes: 2 or more tailed foxes, they will appear to be odd colors. They also have different elements to them. They can speak with normal foxes as well as humans. Depending on their element is what they can like, BUT most of the think they enjoy pulling pranks.

Werewolves: Half-wolf Half-human beast. They appear to be giant wolves. They speak wolven and any-human lagenage. Their master/summoner is considered their alpha so they can't disobey with a very good reason.

Dragons: GIANT 'lizards' they will appear was commotio dragon. They do speak dragkon (Drake-con) and can only talk to the humans they want to talk to. They have all different types of elements so they are A LOT of dragons.

Phoenixes: Bird that are red, orange and ash black. They will also normally be on fire. They do speak bird and can tell their master/summoners emotions. They are immortal so when they die that burst into flames, turn into ashes and renew their bodies.

The Yume clan can also summon the element spirit animals. The fire geko, the water horse, the air Engle, and the earth golem. The clan summoning are hard to control but if their summoner can prove themselves they summonings will be as loyal as can be. The hardest to summon are the 9 kitsunes, 2 of the beta werewolves, 3 of the dragons and 1 of the Phoenixes.

The werewolf pack is the 'Dreamer Delta' the 2 beta leaders are Wilson and Linda.

The dragons that are hard to get to bow down are Selena the Sliver moon, Phoenix of the flame and Blizzard of the ice.

The single Phoenix that is the hardest is named Helia.

All of the kitsunes are nameless as it's their master first duty to name them as they are summoned.

Every time clan member gets 9 kitsunes, 4-10 werewolves, 2 or 3 Phoenixes and for the dragons, well it can be any-number.

It may be hard to control them at first but the more the summoner can prove themselves to them the easier it will be.

Be werry of the kitsunes. Each are different so some may be easier to prove than others.

The minimum threw maximum number of dragon is 2- 40.

Normally the first dragon a yume clan members summons is the one that they are the closest to, and they will go for every first called being that they do. If their first summoned creature turns out to be one of the hardest to summon was one of the hardest they will automatically bow down. But the other hard one will not. It will take time to control every single summoning a member will have.

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