Coming home

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The sound of the engine roaring filled the train along with the pointless chatting of others. The air was warm and comforting bring peace to everyone around. I look out the window watching the scenery fly past leaving small memories of the trees and bushes. It felt like I could look out the window all day long letting myself be at peace. "Luca, Luca" I heard from a voice I knew all too well I could feel her poking my arm. "Hey ragazzo pesce, (fish boy) " Giulia said, still poking my arm. I quickly looked over at her "yeah Giulia, and I told you to stop calling me that" she just rolled her eyes. "Are you ready to see Alberto~" she said giggling after saying his name. I  looked up at the ceiling feeling my chest tighten 
"to be honest Giulia … No" I said, feeling all the same feelings I felt last night. I felt my hands start to sweat and my heart picking up its pace. "What if he doesn't like me anymore, what if he found a new best friend and doesn't even want to see me, what if-" I was cut off by Giulia flicking my forehead "ow" I said rubbing the newly sore area. "Luca you listen to me and you listen good" Giulia said grabbing both of my arms making me face her direction. "We talked about this last night, he not going to hate you Luca you are his best friend his partner in crime" she looked me dead in the eyes "you got that stupida" (stupid) 
I took a deep breath closing my eyes as I did so "silenzio Bruno" I whispered to myself feeling my worries wash away. I opened my eyes seeing Giulia still staring at me "Yes I got it" I said looking back at Giulia smiling.
 "Good because we are here," she said, getting up, grabbing her stuff. In the heat of the moment I didn't even notice the train stopping "wait what" I quickly try to grab my stuff tripping over my own feet. "Come on we don't have all dayyyy" she wines "besides I think I see Alberto looking for you" she says pointing out the window. Before I could even get the chance to look for myself I heard "last one there is a rotten fish!" Giulia yelled out getting a head start "hey that's not fair!" I yelled back following her. 
As soon as I stepped out from the train I could feel the sun beat down onto my skin. I look all around me and old memories hit me, making me break out in a smile. Then I saw him, my heart started to race and tears creeped into my eyes. Alberto looked back at me, our eyes connected the longer I looked into his eyes the happier I felt. I felt my arms go limp dropping everything that was once in my hands making a thud sound as they hit the ground. A burst of energy filled my body as I started to run up to him "ALBERTO!" I yelled with a smile covering my face. "LUCA!" He yelled back as he runs towards me, his arms wide open. I fell into his arms. I quickly wrapped my own arms around him. I could feel the soft fabric brush against my skin. I rest my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat. His arms wrapped back around me holding me so close that it seems like if he let go he would lose me. "I missed you so much," Alberto said, looking down at me with a warm smile. I look back at him making our eyes meet again " I missed you too" we continue to look each other in the eyes. It was like I was stuck in a trance but I didn't want to break it. Looking into his eyes gave me this feeling, my heart would hurt but in a way that I didn't want it to stop. 
"Sorry to interfere with your guys' reunion but where's my hug?" Giulia asked jokingly, putting both of her hands on her hips. "You don't get one" Alberto said with a smirk "only Luca gets one" Alberto held me closer while looking at Giulia. She laughed, brushing her red hair out of her face "papa can you take me and Luca things back to the house?" Giulia asked, looking at her dad. Her dad nods and starts to pick some of our things up "Thank you papa " after that Giulia ran up to us "what should we do next" Giulia asked  "you should probably help your dad with all of the stuffed " Alberto pointed out still holding me. "Besides you got Luca for like a year it my turn to have him" Alberto says as he starts to drag me with him. 
Giulia's mouth opened to say something but was cut off by the sound of our stuff hitting the floor. Giulia sighs "fine but don't steal him" she says running back to her dad to help him. I looked back at Alberto, he quickly looks back at me with a smirk. 

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