the question

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Sweat dripped down my back as fear filled every inch of my body. My hands start to shake as I look down at the ground staring at my own feet. I haven't even asked the question yet but I feel like a tree fell on top of me pushing all the air out of my lungs. The table shakes as he sits down at the table sitting in front of me. "What do you need to know son" his voice boomed, making me shake more. "silenzio Bruno" I whispered to myself, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly letting fear flow out. I looked away from my feet and looked back up facing him.
"You see, lately I've been feeling weird... like a lot" I started trying my best to keep eye contact with him. He looked to calm his hands together and his shoulders relaxed like he was fully listening to me and ready to help me any way he could. "My stomach feels like it is filled with something like fish and my head gets all fuzzy along with my heart and will start to race" I scratch my arm as I explain myself. "Are you telling me you're sick? you could have just said that, go lay down and I will get you some medication" Massimo says slowly getting up. "No i'm not sick i'm perfectly fine well I think" I quickly spoke jumping up from my seat a little. Massimo sits back down and looks back at me a little worried. "This feeling only happens when Luca is around or when I think of him, my face will also turn red as well along with this tightens crushing my chest but I never want it to stop.... What is this feeling "
the room goes quiet. Fear started to fill my body again as I just watched him sit there not saying anything. The room was dense and I felt like I'm suffocating. I wanted to run away to tell him it was all joking but I felt glued to my seat.
Massimo got up from his seat and walked over to mine, tuning the seat to face him. Then I felt his arm wrapped around my shaking body as he hugged me. He pulled away "what you are feeling is normal Alberto" he explained and just like that a weight was lifted off my shoulders. "But the reason you feel this way is because you like Luca, " he said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Well of course I like Luca, he is my best friend." I thought that was obvious " No Alberto not like that, you have feelings for him" . That weight that was lifted off my shoulder a second ago just came crashing back as it all hit me. I didn't know how to feel happy, shocked,sad, everything was so overwhelming. "No, no, no there's no way I have a crush on my bestfriend" I just couldn't believe it. "I-i think I should go to bed" I said, getting up from my seat and walking towards the stairs. I turned around and looked at Massimo "thank you" with that I ran upstairs and went into my room.
I shut the door behind me, turning off my lights and lay down in bed, my head all fuzzy. I pulled my blanket over my body thinking everything over. I like Luca, I like my best friend... this doesn't feel real, it has to be a dream. I sigh looking into the darkest then there was a soft knock at the door.
I looked over at the door "come in '' I yelled while still laying in bed. I watched as the light in the hallway filled my room. I look over at the door seeing Luca standing there. A million emotions hit me at once. My eyes opened wide and my face started to burn. "Alberto are you ok? you didn't come to see us" Luca explained looking worried as the sound of his footsteps filled the room. "Umm yeah everything is fine I just feel a little sick I guess I ate too fast" I let out a forced laugh. Luca turned on the lights and crawled onto my bed going towards me. My heart started to race faster looking at him. "What hurts, are you sure you're ok, do I need to get Massimo? Luca said worriedly in his voice. "No, no, I'm going to fine it just my head and stomach hurt that all.'' I explained looking down at the blanket. I felt so bad for lying to Luca but I couldn't just tell him how I feel about him, at least not right now.
Then Luca hand gently lifted my head up making me look at him, my face red and heart racing. His eyes were warm and soft looking into them was so comforting. Luca leaned closer to me. I closed my eyes, not sure what was going to happen next. I felt his soft lips kiss my forehead making my heart skip a beat. "There that should help it" Luca said with a smile, if my cheek weren't red then they are red now it felt like they were on fire. "T-thank you" I said to him looking back down.
I layed back down pulling my blanket back up covering my body. I felt the bed move as Luca hopped off and started to walk to the lights ''good night Alberto" Luca said but without thinking twice I said "Luca please don't go... can you please sleep with me like the old times" I wasn't sure what I was even saying until it just came out. "Of course I will"
The light quickly turned off so I could Luca crawl into bed with me. I flipped over and watched him cover himself with the blanket. "Good night Luca " I said, closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.

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