Ch.22: Coming Back from the Dead

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Ch.22: Coming Back from the Dead


Naomi grimaced with a small smile, “I need you to do something. Promise me you will?”

Sakura exchanged a worried look with the two boys, before Naruto nodded.

“Punch me so hard that I get knocked out.”



“EH?!?!” the three exclaimed with horror.

“No!!” Naruto yelled as he crossed his arms creating an ‘x,’ “I won’t punch her.”

“Baka!” Naomi smacked his head, “This is important! I have to do this jutsu…” she bit her lip once again, “…It could be dangerous, but there is no other option if we want to defeat Obito.”

Sasuke immediately shook his head, “No way. Don’t even think about it. We’ll defeat him some way, but I will not have you put yourself in danger like that.”

“Sasuke…” Naomi walked up to him and grabbed his hands holding them close to her chest, “Please?” she whispered, “It’s not dangerous in that violent, physical way. It’s going to bring someone back in a way…” she grinned with that.


Naomi sighed before turning to Sakura, “Sakura, punch me, but not in the face. Enough to knock me out for only about 5 minutes.”

She skeptically looked at Naomi making the Uchiha girl roll her eyes, “Think of it as a payback punch for all of the stabbings I did to you.” This definitely made Sakura’s eyes light up making Naomi inwardly smirk again.

“Fine.” Sakura grinned as she tightened her glove on her right arm.

“What?!” Naruto and Sasuke growled, “You can’t be serious!”

Naomi merely blinked at them innocently, “Oh we totally are. And a fair bit of warning… I won’t be myself.” She gave a single nod, and the next thing she could see was pure darkness.

“Oh man, Sakura-chan! Naomi-chan’s going to kill you when she wakes up!” Naruto began freaking out as he noticed her unconscious body in Sasuke’s arms. The Uchiha boy had immediately rushed to grab her before she could fall to the ground after Sakura’s punch.

“It wasn’t that hard!” Sakura gasped, “…Was it?”

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her, “Of course it was!” he adjusted Naomi, “She’s bleeding from the back of her head!”

“Oops…gomen. Wait… what did she mean that she won’t be herself?”

Naruto shrugged, “No clue.”

Location: Naomi’s Conscience

Naomi blinked and gasped as she suddenly sat up. She looked around to see the place completely white just like how she had imagined it to be. Smirking lightly, she wasted no time in creating hand signs. It was going to take a while since there weren’t just 3 or 4 signs, but more than 30 she had to memorize, and she had to complete them without mistakes.

There was one jutsu that her mother had taught her before she had departed during Pein’s attack when she had died. Sora had told her that it could only be performed once every year.



“Hmm? Ne, kaa-chan?” Naomi turned to look at her mother who was silently gazing at the waterfall that was only a couple meters away from them.

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