Chapter 32

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two days until meeting

River stood listening to his group as they planned everything out.

"I have a feeling about where the other team's flag is." Forrest said and Pine nodded in agreement. "It's right near the middle of the forest and only a couple people know about it, but it's still easy to find so it's not against the rules to hide it there."

"That's perfect then! Pine and Forest can go and get that while the rest of us defend ours." Raymond said.

"No, we don't want all of us defending the flag, I'll go with Pine and Forest and someone else should search elsewhere, just in case they are trying to throw us off." Briar responded.

"We could put our flag right on top of the cliff or on top of the waterfall. It is a bit obvious but both places have a good vantage point." Angelica suggested.

"The top of the waterfall could work. Riptide could hide under the water and I can wait at the top and push anyone off that comes up there."

"Good thinking River. I'll hang out near the cliffs so I can have a good vantage point and send you guys information. I can use the wind to carry my voice around the camp." Angelica replied.

"That leaves myself, Pine, Briar and Raymond to look for the other team's flag. Blow one of these if you need backup. One long blow for you to find the flag and need help, two sharp blows if the other team has our flag." Pine instructed, handing everyone a small horn.

River stuck his to his weapons belt and nodded, leaving the group to wait at the waterfall. He was now wishing that he hadnt suggested to guard the flag, that was a lot of responsibilty for a weaker fighter like himself. He should have had someone stronger guarding the flag. 

"Don't worry River, You'll do great and I'll be at the base of the waterfall helping." Riptide said, trying to ease River, but it didn't help much. River was nervous, his sword skills still weren't great and he probably couldn't hold off anyone trying to get the flag.

"Thanks Riptide." He mumbled, looking off to the center of camp as the horn bellowed, signalling the start of the "game".


Briar hopped onto Pines back, sitting behind Forrest as they zoomed towards the western quadrant of camp where team one's flag most likely was. Pine came to a halt a few meters away from the forest and Briar jumped off of his back, starting to run along the outside of the forest while Pine flew deeper into it. Okay , let's see if there is anything hanging out along the outskirts. Briar thought as she crept around the forest, then she heard a slight rustling from behind her. Briar quickly unsheathed her sword and spun around bringing it up in time to block a blow aimed for her shoulder. She came face to face with Sol, whose eyes were lit up with shock.

"How'd you hear me?"

"I have excellent hearing." Briar responded, pushing off of Sol and kicking out her leg, connecting with his chestplate. He stumbled back but quickly came back at Briar, sword flying through the air. Briar smirked and took a big step back keeping her sword angled across her body, like she suspected her trick worked. Sol's sword sliced through the air and now he was slightly off balance. Briar swung her sword ready to either disarm him or knock him to the ground, but Sol regained his balancxe and skillfully parried it.

They broke apart again and the Briar remembered that she could use her powers. She let go of her sword with one hand and lobbed a ball of dark energy at Sol aiming for his head. He noticed it a second too late and it found its mark and he collapsed. Perfect, he's stunned. That'll keep him out for a few minutes. Briar thought about taking his sword, but she decided not to. If he is guarding the forest, that must be where their flag is. Maybe I should go help Forrest and Pine look. Briar decided, before plunging into the woods.

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