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Two hundred years ago, the sun disappeared and the vast and prosperous continent; Klainura, was plunged into a constant state of dusk. Though the moon still went through its phases, seasons still changed and there was still warmth, there was no more light or dark. Crops failed, livestock died, droughts occured and people fought amongst themselves, needing to blame someone for what was going on.

Soon chaos erupted within the kingdom. Fights broke out, homes were destroyed, friends fought friends and the kingdom became divided. Without light in their lives everyone became miserable, falling into a deep depression.

Then one fateful day two people were blessed with extraordinary powers, a sign of hope in a time of great despair. Their names were Alina and Adrian.

Alina had the ability to manipulate light. She was not able to bring the sun back, but the light she created was bright and warm enough to spread all across the kingdom, making a daytime almost like it used to be before the sun had vanished. The light brought back the magical creatures that had fled the kingdom and crops soon began to flourish slowly bringing back prosperity and hope.

Adrian, on the other hand, had the ability to manipulate the dark. Unlike the constant dusk-like state the kingdom had been in, Adrian was able to bring forth a complete night. His powers allowed the sky to darken, letting people see the stars and moon fully for the first time in many years. The calm and quiet of the darkness helped the people of the kingdom sleep peacefully and the dark helped balance out the ecosystem.

Together Adrian and Alina helped the kingdom, working in harmony to make the light and dark coincide and help the kingdom slowly return to as normal as it could be, given the circumstances. As well as make the kingdom light and dark, they became the protectors of the kingdom, driving off invading forces and bringing the kingdom back to a state of wealth and prosperity.

Before long, they branched away from the other Kingdoms, creating one of their very own, and in exchange, they provided the other kingdoms on the continent light and dark. Together they ruled their kingdom and named it Lyera.

Lyera prospered for many years, but little did Queen Alina know, King Adrian was jealous.  He was jealous of how much more the people desired the light she created for them and how much more joy it brought them. They laughed, played and worshiped her glorious light, while many feared his darkness and created ways to make it light.

Overcome by rage and jealousy King Adrian snuck into the Queen's room while she was sleeping, holding a medallion in his hands. He went to start taking her powers to use himself, but she awoke too soon.

Alina caught him standing above her holding the amulet and a sword and instantly banished him along with all of his followers from Lyera. He left without a word and he and his followers were not heard from again.

After Adrian was banished, Queen Alina decided to share her powers, as she couldn't protect the kingdom alone anymore. Alina randomly chose six babies and put a small amount of her powers into each of them, imagining that it would create five new light elements but it did something much different.

Four of those babies inherited a different set of element powers, the powers of Earth, Air, Water and fire, while one baby kept the light element and one somehow inherited the dark element. The elements were passed down when the original four died, but they didn't pass down genetically, they passed down to a random newborn baby.

After many years of this cycle, it started to change. Now every twenty years four new children would be born with a symbol on their arm, marking them as one of the four elements. When all four children were to reach the age of eighteen, they would be sent to a hidden camp where they would learn to master their powers and become the new protectors of Lyera. The Guardians.

    As well as the main four elements being passed down, both the Light and the Dark element started to be passed down, but every thirty years. After being nearly killed by the greed a dark element brought, Alina made the decision to banish any child that showed proof of being the dark element, hoping that would keep Lyera safe from their evil powers.

The kingdom was at peace for hundreds of years under the protection of generations of Guardians, but over time, a new and dangerous kingdom started to rise up. Starting as a tiny Kingdom in the dark lands; so far away that Alinas powers didn't reach it, Edarek had slowly grown, taking over neighboring kingdoms and slowly spreading out, making its way towards Lyera. With an elite military, dangerous creatures and many valuable resources,  Edarek became a force to be reckoned with and Lyeras greatest enemy.

With them advancing, the years of peace would not last much longer unless the forces could somehow join and right an old wrong.

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